Chapter 10

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I sit up in my bed and yawn. I turn off my alarm and start getting ready for school.

Once I'm ready, I go downstairs and join my brothers who are eating breakfast.

"So how's Demi? She wasn't around us much yesterday." Kevin inquires.

"Oh, we just decided to play some Guitar Hero. She's not much of a basketball person." I explain.

"So that's why you've been playing your guitar so much." Nick joins in, "You're writing a song for her." He smirks.

"Wow, Joe, I didn't know you could be so romantic." Kevin pretends to swoon.

I punch him playfully, "I love her." I say simply.

"You've only been dating for like a week." Kevin says.

"No, hasn't it been teo weeks?" Nick asks.

"It's been about a month." I correct them both.

"Still, don't you think it's too soon?" Kevin asks.

"I guess not, because we said it to each other yesterday--"

"Joe." Nick cuts me off, then he sighs.

"I know, it's really soon, but she needed to know, and she needed to know that she's loved. It's complicated." I shrug.

After we finish eating, we go outside to the bus stop. I see Demi come out of her house and make her way over to me, "Hey, baby." I smile and peck her lips.

"Hey." She smiles.

"Did you eat?" I ask.

She sighs, "No."

"Demi, you need to eat." I hug her.

"It's so hard though, everything I eat will make me fatter than what I already am." She hugs me back.

"You're not fat, Demi. If you still feel that you are, even though you're not, then we can start doing work outs or something, but Dems, what you're doing isn't healthy. It could kill you." I grab her by the hand, "C'mon, we'll take the car today and we'll stop somewhere for you to eat."

"Okay." She mummbles.

I go back inside and get the keys. We all usually take the bus because between the three of us, we only have one car, but I'm saving up to get my own. The car is also pretty old, and we don't want to take the chance of it breaking down.

I come back out and open the door for Demi. I go around to my side and star driving, "So when are you going to get a new car?" She asks.

"Soon, actually. I've almost got enough money for this Jeep that I've always wanted." I smile.

"That's great! I better be the first one to ride it." She answers.

I chuckle, "You will be, I promise."


"So where do you want to eat?" I ask.

"McDonald's is the only place by the school, so I guess there." She looks out the window.

I turn into the McDonald's drive-thru, "Hey, it will be okay." I put my hand on her thigh.

She looks at me and smiles, "Thanks." She pauses for a second, "I love you."

I peck her lips, "I love you, too."

She end up ordering a Sausage, Egg, and Cheese McMuffin. She struggles to eat it, but eventually she does, "Do we have to go to school?" She complains as we turn into the school parking lot.

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