Chapter 12 - Armor Chase

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"JARVIS! You haven't aged a day!" Stark exclaimed, coming into the room.

 "Welcome back, Mr. Stark," JARVIS greeted. 

"Missed ya, buddy. You flying free?" he asked. 

"In full working order," JARVIS said. 

"Give me the worst of it," he said.

"The Chimera is running on secondary power. Major hull damage is also detected. Engines are offline. Climate--" JARVIS started.

 "So it's bad," he summarized. 

"Congratulations, you're a genius," I said, squinting as I connected a wire on the inside of the computer I was working on. 

"Okay, we got to get this bird airborne," Stark said, and Dr. Banner chuckled.

 "Excuse me?" he asked. 

"AIM knows it's here. So it needs to be not here when they get here," Stark said. 

"What?" he asked.

 "Alright...While we work on clean-up, you mind taking a look at something for me?" Stark asked JARVIS.

 "Certainly, sir," JARVIS responded.

 "See what you can do about decrypting this file," I glanced up, seeing that Stark had mostly shaved his beard and cut his hair.

"At once," JARVIS said. 

"Hey, kid, start getting these blankets off. And, uh, find somewhere to put those," he said, nodding at the relics sat on one of the crates. I went over to the shield and mask, picking the shield up and flipping it over. 

"I still miss them. It's awful what happened to them," Dr. Banner said. "Something tells me they're not dead. I don't know why, and I sure as hell don't know how, but something tells me they're still out there somewhere, waiting for...for the right moment," I admitted.

"It's a nice notion," he said.

 "Well, I better get started," I said, setting them down on the ground against the wall and ripping off one of the sheets. A cloud of dust erupted from it, and I coughed as I inhaled some. I went around, pulling off all the sheets and filling the room with dust clouds.


"Bruce, Kamala, Abila? You read me?" I looked towards the war table, where Stark's voice was coming out of. 

"Loud and clear. I don't know where Kamala is, but Dr. Banner is in the HARM room pretending to be...uh..." I said.

 "I don't even want to know," he said. 

"How'd the mission go?" I asked, leaning on the war table. 

"Sucess! We'll all be in new threads soon," he assured me.


"Alright, guys. We've got work to do," Stark said. 

"How can we help?" Dr. Banner asked.

 "JARVIS has found us a couple heat signatures that MIGHT be concentrations of Initiator cores, but they're in completely separate locations. Since time is of the essence, we're going to need to hit both locations simultaneously. Bruce, you and Kamala need to search the outskirts of the Badlands, while I take Abila and investigate a city on the eastern seaboard. Hopefully, one of these spots yield us those Initiator cores," Stark said.

 "Alright. Whe--If SHE comes out, you know what to do. Same method as the big guy," Dr. Banner said. 

"Actually, if I may interject. Unless Ms. Abila possesses the ability of flight, I think it would be best if she went with Dr. Banner and Ms. Kamala," JARVIS said.

"We'll take your word for it, buddy. Let's get going, it's about time to get Big Bird off the ground,"

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