Chapter 34 - By...

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"Kamala, Ahmi, and I will take out the main control tower," Ms. Romanoff said.

 "Thor, Tony, Ellie, knock out as many of those generators as you can. We stop that signal, we stop those Warships. Hulk, clear a path," Cap ordered. There was an explosion in the distance as we swung up to the main tower. 

"Kid, how good are you at hacking?" She asked me.

 "Uh, good enough to get into Stark's account within AIM," I said.

She chuckled, the corner of her mouth raising. "I remember that. Got you on AIM's hit list," She said.

 "Oh, I know. God, that feels like a lifetime ago," I muttered. 

"BAM! AIM's down another hangar. Or three," Tony said. 

"Pace yourself, Stark," Thor scolded.

"Hey, some people don't have a thousand years of blowing stuff up to look forward to, Rapunzel," Tony replied. 

"Aw, he missed you, Thor," She joked. 

"Feels like only yesterday when we were all together like this," Cap reminisced. 

"Still bringing the dad jokes, Cap. Okay," Tony said.

"I think it qualifies as Grandad jokes now. Just wait until he starts saying 'Back in my day...'" I joked.

"You know, kid, I think you're my new favorite," Snake said. 

"Feels nice to be appreciated once in a while," I responded. 

Hey, it was the end of the world. We were allowed a few wisecracks. 

"More generators down!" Thor reported.

 "No sign of the other Inhumans," Kamala said. 

"Have some faith. They've gotta be around here somewhere!" Tony exclaimed. 

"I was wondering when my old friends would make their appearance. Brings a tear to my eye to see you all assembled again. You're making this easy for me, offering yourselves up for the slaughter," MODOK jeered. 

"What the hell is this?" Cap asked. 

"Let me guess, robots glowing purple?" Tony asked.

"Tarleton?" He asked. 

"Yeah, he can control units remotely...take those out first!" Tony instructed. 

"Hulk, take 'em out!" Cap ordered as there were more purple glows. 

"Your time's up, George. I'm coming for you!" Cap called. "Optimistic to the end. You'll die with a smile on your face," MODOK sneered.

"Avengers, on me!" Cap ordered. 

"Bet they wish they had a gamma monster and a shadow monster on their team!" Tony said. 

"Uh, they do. Abomination?" Kamala said while I cleared my throat. 

"Shadow demon, Stark, not shadow monster," I corrected. 

"Same thing!" He replied.

"But is Abomination house-trained?" Tony asked.

  "The gunships are admitting a strange dark mist," Sheldon said as we heard the news report over comms. "What is this?" Cap asked. 

"People everywhere are starting to panic! They're running and screaming! Some seem affected by the mist. It''s like it's triggering something inside of them. I can't believe it...AIM is firing on the AirForce! Let's get out of here! RUN!" There was the sound of coughing and havoc over comms.

 "Captain Rogers...we told ourselves Terrigen was going to change the world," MODOK said.

"I know. We made a mistake, George," Cap responded. 

"Don't call me that! George failed! MODOK won't! We can't cure this, or what we've become," MODOK said.

 "What are you saying?" Cap asked. 

"Power cannot be controlled. I know that now. It has to be destroyed!" He claimed.

 "No," Cap denied.

"Our sacrifice will be remembered, Captain," There was a grunt and the sound of shattering glass. 

"I'm guessing you all caught that," He said. 

"Let's take out that signal tower," Ms. Romanoff said.

 "And his face!" Kamala said fiercely. 

"I'm with her!" Tony said.

"As am I," Thor added.

 "We can't get to the last transmitter in the quinjet. Too much cover fire," She reported. 

"We got this. The door ahead leads to the transmitter's base. I'll follow Hulk's lead and try not to fall to my death," Cap said.

 "Good plan," She said. 

"Give me a second, accessing the system," I said, typing furiously to try and get through the firewalls.

"Get that door open," Cap ordered. 

"On it. Keep an eye on those force-field generators. When they pulse yellow, take them out," I said, getting through yet another firewall. AIM's network was well protected, but I was giving it a hard fight.

 "How do you type that fast?" Kamala asked. 

"A lot of practice. Now be quiet, I'm trying to concentrate. That goes for all of you," I said.

"Kill Captain Rogers and the Serpent. Without them, they'll crumble," MODOK ordered. 

"Hey, buddy, didn't you hear what I said about being quiet?" I snapped, breaking through yet another firewall as Hulk let out a few choice words.

 "Hey, I think I understood that," Kamala said. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hulk, there are teenagers on this channel, watch your mouth," Tony scolded. 

"This is futile, Captain. You're leading your people to their deaths, just as they once led to yours. And for what? None of your adoring fans will know you died for them," MODOK sneered.

"Sheesh. He's really got the whole villain monologue thing down, doesn't he?" Tony asked. 

"5 years of practice," I grumbled. 

"She's starting to sound like you, Stark," Thor observed.

 "Demethi," I swore. 

"We'll work on it," Ms. Romanoff assured.

"Why do I feel like that was a swear?" Tony asked.

 "Because it was, Stark. You're not the only one that's allowed to cuss," I chided. 

"You're very good at seeing me, and I don't like it," He responded. 

"These jetpack guys annoying anyone else?" He asked. 

"They kind of remind me of another flying suit of armor," She said.

"Oh, how dare you talk about Thor like that," Tony responded.

 "I can't believe I'm fighting with the Avengers," Kamala said. 

"Ahmi, I'm not seeing any yellow force-field generators," Cap said. 

"They WILL be by the door, if you'd give me a minute," I replied. 

"I guess a five-year nap makes a man impatient," Tony observed.

"The Captain has high expectations for all of us! We shall exceed them!" 

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