Chapter 40 - A New Home

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I let out a sigh, squeezing my eyes as I woke up. My head was pounding, and my hand floated to the side. 

"Hey..." I heard a soft and soothing voice, opening my eyes to see Dr. Banner smiling at me.

 "You're alive!" My heart swelled with elation as I sat up. I slumped over again, my brain feeling three times too big for my skull.

"Ooh, take it easy," I looked up at him, still thrilled he was alive. 

"You've got heart, kid," I looked over to see Cap approach and cross his arms.

 "Great job," He said as Tony walked over, probably noticing I had woke up. 

"Yeah, we need to work on that...Passing out thing, did good," He praised as Thor wandered over.

 "Indeed!" He said, crossing his arms.

"Good?" Ms. Romanoff had appeared. "That was pretty badass!" She held out a fist, and I knocked mine against it, albeit weakly. 

"Pretty damn impressive, kid. No one else could've pulled that off," Ellie said, shaking her head and smiling.

 "That was so cool, Ahmi!" Kamala said, leaning over the railing above me. 

"Thanks..." I said, smiling.

 "Hey, can you guys give us a moment?" Dr. Banner asked, and they all walked off. The corner of his mouth, which was open, was pulled up as he turned back to me, his chair rolling slightly. He let out a sigh, closing his mouth slightly. 

"What?" I asked, still smiling, and he looked away, then down at the ground.

 "All this time, I-I thought...I was mentoring you, trying to..." He paused, closing his eyes and shaking his head slightly.

"I'd given up," He admitted, nodding a little. 

"And I guess what I'm trying to say is...Thank you," He smiled at me, and I smiled back before something crossed my mind. 

"Can I ask you a favor, Dr. Banner?" I asked tentatively.

 "Of course. And it's Bruce. I think we've reached that stage," I smiled again, letting out a small chuckle.


I watched as the quinjet soared off, the sound comforting. I looked at what I was standing in front of. It was a small wooden hut with a straw roof. 

The sun was beaming behind it, casting a warm light over the rolling plains and emerald grass. My stomach churned as I moved towards the door, raising my fist and knocking softly.

An older woman, whose skin was sun-kissed and her hair was tied back at the nape of her neck, opened the door before her mouth dropped open in shock. 

"Oh, Thixo wam! Ahmi?" She breathed, and I broke into a big smile.

 "Mama?" I asked, and she wrapped me in a massive hug. Pulling back, she put her hand on my cheek.

"You're--You're so big!" She exclaimed before I hugged her again.

 "Oh, I can't believe it's you! Come in, come in. Please," She ushered me inside, and I saw three people sat around the table, an older man and woman and a boy about my age. 

"Ake, who is this?" The man asked. 

"This is my daughter, Ahmi. Ahmi, this is your aunt Ame, your uncle Zaza, and your cousin Sinsu," She said, and the three got up. They were quick to shake my hand and welcome me to the family, saying how glad they were to meet me, and how many stories they had heard about me.

"Where's your father, uswiti?" Aunt Ame asked, and I looked down. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry," She said. "It's--It's okay. He died a hero," I assured them. Suddenly, there was the sound of something landing outside, and I tensed up, ready to fight.

 Mama went outside, coming inside and being followed by a young man who had a very regal air about him.

"Ahmi, this man wishes to speak with you," Mama said solemnly. 

"Let's take this outside, please," He said, holding out a hand. We moved outside, him closing the door behind me. 

"Your name is Ahmi, yes?" He asked. 

"Yes, sir," I said tentatively.

"My name is King T'Challa," He said, and I tensed up, knowing what was about to happen.

 But, I had just faced, and killed, an alien. I could handle a simple king. 

I steeled my nerves and looked him in the eyes.

"You're not going to kick me out of the country. I am a citizen of Wakanda, and I have the right to be in my homeland," I said firmly. 

"What makes you think I would do that?" He asked, confused, and my face relaxed. 

"What did you just say?" I asked. 

"Why do you think I would kick you out of Wakanda? After all, you did just say you're a citizen," He said. My mind was spinning.

This is not what I had expected. 

"Well, uh, my, uh--my father said it would happen," I admitted. 

"Let me guess--he said T'Chaka," He guessed, and I nodded sheepishly, suddenly embarrassed by my outburst.

 "He was my father. I am not my father," He assured me. But he wasn't finished.

"I don't know why my father would have banished you from the kingdom, but I can promise I will not. You are welcome in Wakanda because you are a citizen and this is your homeland. I apologize thoroughly for my father's actions. I officially unbanish you, and declare you an official citizen of Wakanda," He said, and I smiled.

 "Thank you so much, your honor," I said, moving to bow, but he stopped.

 "We--We don't do that here," He said and I straightened back up. 

"If I may, sir--why did you come all the way out here?" I asked. 

"Well, I saw a quinjet taken off, and I became curious," He admitted. "Now, go be with your family. I'm sure you have a lot of catching up to do," He said, smiling.

 "It was a pleasure, your highness. And thank you, again," I said, before going back inside where my family was waiting anxiously. 

"So?" Sinsu asked.

 "I am an official citizen of Wakanda," I said, a grin spreading across my face. Their faces beamed with joy.

"Welcome home,"

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