Chapter 20 - Once an Avenger...

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"I'm going in there. We need to find that lab," as soon as Natasha finished, alarms went off.

 "JARVIS?" Tony asked. 

"Sensors detect AIM forces incoming," JARVIS reported. 

"Tarleton's come for his sidekick," Natasha spat. 

"Nat, quinjet," Bruce said, coming into the room.

"You read my mind," she said, taking off. 

"You're with me," Tony said to Kamala. 

"Alright," she said. 

"Bruce, go wake up the octopus," Tony said as he headed towards his suit.

 "Huh, uh, just watch yourself out there," Bruce said to Kamala.

"I will if you will," she responded. 

"We can't let AIM stop us from getting these Inhumans in front of the press," Bruce said over the coms. 

"My guess? Georgie Boy's onto us," Tony said.

 "I think you're right, Tony. There's a battalion of gunships on the way. Bruce, the kid, and Code Green?" Natasha asked. 

"Uh...just, uh...I don't think Ahmi should be in this fight. She needs to eat and rest," he said.

"She can help!" Tony exclaimed.

 "I'm with Bruce on this one. She looked like she was about to collapse in the prison," Natasha exclaimed.

 "I'm sure we'll be fine without her," Bruce said.

 "So, Code Green?" Tony asked.

 "Uh...just...hol-hold on. Gimme a sec, okay?" Bruce stuttered.

"They seem eager to secure Ms. Rappachini," JARVIS observed. 

"JARVIS, keep an eye on our guest. JARVIS door!" Tony exclaimed as they approached an open doorway with a squadron of AIM bots.

 "Well, this just escalated. Tell you survive this, and maybe you can come work for me," Tony said as several AIM bots cut a hole in the side of the ship. 

"That would be awesome!" Kamala exclaimed. 

"Great! Focus on the angry robots. I'll bring down the flying hunk of metal. Bruce, how are we doing on getting pissed off?" Tony asked.

A roar from the Hulk echoed through the Chimera as a response.

 "THAT'S more like it! Nat, aim him at the bad guys and get gone," Tony said.

 "Tony, we need air support. Get up here now!" Natasha said. 

"Be right there. JARVIS, drop the cannons. Tarleton's gotta be heading your way soon," Tony replied. 

"Make your way to the control room, kid. Punch anything that gets near those energy cores," Tony instructed.

After a long, drawn-out fight, including Thor appearing and helping to destroy the bots trying to drill into the hull, Monica escaped and the Helicarrier was driving towards New York. 

"Hey, God of Thunder!" Tony said. 

"Stay behind me," Thor ordered. He sent giant beams of lightning towards the engines, restarting them just in time. During the engine revival, thunder boomed and woke Ahmi up, who got out of bed only to slide into the opposite wall.

She groaned, standing up after her back hit the floor and shuffling into the Command Deck. "Have you all completely lost your senses?!" Thor bellowed, marching in while wielding Mjolnir.

 "Ah! The prodigal son returns!" Tony mocked. 

"You almost obliterated all of Manhatten!" Thor shouted. 

"Whoa, holier than thou! Where were you, when the world went to hell?!" Natasha spat.

"Coming to terms with my failings, not making new ones!" he shouted.

"Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright. Everyone just take a breath," Bruce urged. "We planned on interrupting the AIM Experience. Showing the world what Tarleton was up to. These Adaptoids of his, they harvest their power through the torture of these Inhumans," Bruce explained. 

"They expose them to near-lethal amounts of D.A.R.K. Terrigen," Natasha continued. 

"Yeah, and that is only step one. Georgie Boy is gearing up for a war," Tony said.

"And what's worse is, Ahmi here has...found some evidence that might show what really happened to Steve and Ellie," Bruce said, pushing her forward gently.

 "Hi..." she said tentatively. 

"'Every hero has to start somewhere,'" Thor quoted, recognizing the young Inhuman.

 "You...remember me," she said nervously. 

"Aye. Show me this footage," he said, and they went over to the War Table.

"JARVIS? Are you done?"

a/n Okay. I gotta get this off my chest. I was watching a video yesterday by CreepShow Art on YouTube about the YouTuber Antoons. In this video, she said, and I quote, "He also insists on calling every single member of the LGBTQIA+ community a predator." My reaction was, "Yes. I, a ██-year-old female with horrible social anxiety and who is capable of as much social interaction as a cactus, is someone who preys on young children." Excuse my french, but that is fucking ridiculous. I am a YOUNG TEENAGER (I won't say my actual age for reasons) IT'S NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO BE A PREDATOR. THIS MAN IS AN IDIOT AND PROBABLY DESERVES TO BE PUT IN JAIL. Sorry for the rant and capslock, I'm just pissed off.

2nd a/n Hi, I'm back again. So, turns out, that I am, and I quote, "highly likely to defend all kinds of sexual interests based on data, such as bestiality and necrophilia," because, " not feel sexual attraction like normal people do." Let me repeat that. I, an Asexual, am likely to defend bestiality and necrophilia 'cause I don't wanna sleep with anyone. Again, THIS MAN IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS. Someone, please toss this man--no, he doesn't even deserve to be called a man. Someone, please toss this CREATURE into space because he is a leech of resources. You know what, I'll link the videos below so you can hear about this man's bullshit.

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