Chapter 17 - Prison Break

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Ahmi's POV

"Mm...Kamala, what are you doing up?" I whispered, seeing her crouched near the entrance to our sleeping area. 

"There are a bunch of Inhumans that are about to be moved, but I can't do this alone. I need your help," she whispered. 

"Okay. Where are we going?" I asked. 

"First, we have to sneak out of here," she said.

 "Kamala Khan and Ahmi Najafi. You are not asleep. I shall inform Dr. Pym," Roy was slumped against the ground, his voice startling us.

"Uh, could you...not?" she asked. 

"All right. Good evening," That was simple. We walked to the entrance, where Theo was sat.

 "Hey Kamala, Abila, you still up this late?" he asked, standing up. 

"Yeah, I...was going to lie, but we're going to the prison. They wouldn't be moving those prisoners if it wasn't for us," Kamala explained.

"Respect. Right this way," he said. 

"Really? Just like that?" I asked, skeptical.

 "I've got a good feeling about you two. But you're gonna need this. It's not safe out there," He handed us some stones.

 "Thanks, Theo,"


"We'll be back before Bruce even realizes we're gone," Kamala assured me as we crossed chasms.

 "Yeah, yeah, I's just--we've never done anything like this before; a solo mission," I said.

 "We have to get those Inhumans out," she said. 

"I know, Kamala. I'm a little nervous, that's all," I said.

 "Here," she offered me her hand.

"It'll be quicker," She coaxed, so I took it and she wrapped one arm around me, using the other to swing us along. We landed on a cliff overlooking the prison, and I leaned on my knees, trying to calm down. 

"How do you not throw up while doing that?" I asked.

 "I dunno. I guess my body's just used to it," she shrugged.

"Get to the cells, get the Inhumans. Piece of cake...mmm, cake," I said. I was starving since sleep could only do so much to regain my energy. 

"I've got a bad feeling about this. It shouldn't be this easy," I said as we approached. As she tried to open the doors, AIM bots appeared. 

"Can we just....pretend you never saw us?" Kamala asked.

I let SHE take over physically, with her grabbing one of the Elite Synthoids, which fired a laser that seared her skin. I let out a cry of pain before ripping the bot in half. 

"See, Bruce? This is easy. There are a lot of you, huh? It's okay. No problem," Kamala said as more bots appeared.

 "Hey, murder robots, so uh...I was thinking...maybe I should name my moves?" SHE laughed, but it wasn't a blood-curdling laugh. It was more of a happy, contagious laugh.

More bots appeared, with two of the big mechs. SHE sent out four tendrils, which grabbed each one of their limbs, darkness seeping into them. I felt myself getting more exhausted by the second as the darkness tore the bot apart from inside. 

Kamala got really big as I got really woozy. I felt the ground shake as she hit it as black enveloped my vision.

"I think...I'm just gonna...take a nap,"

SHE | Marvel's Avengers [10]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora