Chapter 36 - ...Pure...

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"Just cleaning up," The Captain reported.

 "Got you a terminal. Open the cores, then destroy them, and the signal will die," I said, pressing the button to open the terminal. 

"And no more Inhumans will," Kamala added. 

"We can come out of this with our humanity intact, Captain," MODOK coaxed.

 "You and I have very different definitions of 'humanity,'" Cap replied.

"I'm calling bull on the genius part. Doesn't he know you can't spell 'Inhuman' without the 'human' part?" I asked. 

"And that's how the giant-brained genius got schooled by a teenager," Tony cheered.

 "Almost got it, Captain," I said. 

"The bigger the fight AIM puts up, the more I know we're on the right track," Cap said. 

"Wise words, Captain," Thor praised.

There was an explosion, and the red beam in the center of the mainframe disappeared. "That's the last core. The transmission should be dead," Cap reported. 

"No, I'm still reading a signal. From the excavation site," I said, checking another window. 

"The heat signal we saw on A-Day. It caused the earthquakes. Whatever's behind those walls, MODOK doesn't want us to get it," Snakebite said. 

"You've got bigger problems, Cap," Tony said as missiles fired from the walls.

"Shit!" There was a yell, and I saw a faint shape fall from the tallest tower and a gunship pop up near it. 

"Did he just--did he just swear? Was that a swear?" Snake asked jokingly. 

"Thanks, Ellie, little busy right now," Cap reported.

 "Need a hand?" I saw a black shape hovering near some tubing. 

"Yeah. Take out those guns," Cap ordered.

"On it!" She called. 

"As are we," Tony and Thor said. 

"Good. Then meet me up ahead," Cap ordered. 

"Die, Avenger!" MODOK cried.

 "Like an ant beneath my shoe. Monica should have let you burn with me!" Jeez, couldn't this guy shut up for just a second? I landed on the platform next to the others, rolling my shoulders as the tendrils seeped back into me.

"What you thinking, Cap?"

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