10. Shh, Shh, Shh

Start from the beginning

I hum, walking around, examine her work. "Art is about risk. No offense but you'll probably only learn so much here. I think you should take a leap." Pausing I try to decide if my next comment will help or not. "I... could put in a good word for you. We didn't part on good terms but they respect my work and know I have a good eye for others. If you put my name down you'll at least get an interview, I think."

"Seriously? Do you mean that?"

"Yeah, just don't expect much in their opinion of me," I say abashedly. "But my name may get your foot in the door."

"Yes, please, thank you."

She runs to her bag finding paper and a pen. I write my info down for her. "Call them and use my name. Hopefully, they hear you out and don't hang up but tell them I saw your work and think you have incredible potential. Also, fill out an application. It never hurts to try."

We part with her thanking me profusely. I walk out of the art building and check my phone to see if Amber or Lashes had texted or called and there's nothing. My stomach rumbles and I sigh. "Time to go get some dinner."

Leaving the campus, I text Amber and Lashes to let them know I was going into the city to get some food. The night life here is electrifying and college students roam along with adults. Honestly, in Rhode Island we all stayed at the university and never really went out.

As I walk down a row of businesses and clothing stores all with nice brick exteriors, I start to wonder what I want to do with my life. I'd love to be the one to invest in talent like Gabriella's. An empty building catches my eye where it's dark with no one around it. I walk across the street and peer in. It's spacious with white walls. It'd be a perfect place for an art studio and a great way to display art from some of the college students and locals here. My eyes widen and I realize how all my years of loving art, yet never displaying my own, could be used.

I'd display other people's art.

I want to own a gallery.

My hand touches the cool window of the empty building. I always struggled with wanting my art to always remain private, yet never knowing what to do with all this knowledge and skill.

Now I know.

A sharp pull rips my head back and causes the roots of my hair to scream. A large arms circles around my waist, pinning my hands down, rendering them useless. My back is pressed into a muscular body as my feet are nearly lifted off the ground and I'm taken further into the alley. A hand clamps my mouth, keeping me from shouting. The smell of expensive cologne makes my head pound in a dangerous rhythm along with my heart.

"Shhh, Shhh, Shhh, Shhh, Shhh." Dallas's voice is haughty and revolting against my ear. I kick out my legs and do everything in my power to escape him but am no match for a man in his late twenties.

His hand slides to my waist spinning me to face him. I can feel a dry heave coming on as he rubs his thumb slowly around the top of my hip. My throat is raw, burning from my unleashed screams against his palm. He seizes my body with his strong arm crashing me against him too intimately for my liking and trapping my arms at my sides. He pushes me roughly deeper into the alley and further away from the crowds of people. My only hope of being saved vanishes.

He shoves me hard against the wall and knocks the right air out of me. My lungs ate unable to fully expand from the pressure, causing my head to spin Small, shallow breaths move past my lips as my body being to burn for oxygen. When my vision starts adapting to the dark alley I can make out another figure behind Dallas. Dallas's face is right in front of mine and despite the danger I'm in, I can't help what comes out of my mouth.

Paint with Me Among the Shadows (Book One, the Salvation MC Series)Where stories live. Discover now