The Results 📄

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It was finally lunch time and ofcourse they also use that time as their practice! The karasuno team where talking and guessing or predicting which would they get but Kageyama seems unbothered and just doing tosses to the wall.

*3rd person pov*

"all right everyone! so what do you guys think you'll get?" asked Daichi

said Noya while jumping in his place

"Noya were not sure about that so dont-" Asahi replied yet cut off

Noya said in an exaggerated tone which made everyone laugh

"maybe your right my bro ey! bet Tsukishima will be an alpha too though" said Tanaka

"yeah!! your right he might be but hey look at me im a beta don't you think?"
said Hinata

"nah Shoyo your an omega pfft-"
said Noya then slapped his hand onto his mouth

"huh?! were about the same height bet your an omega too!"
said Hinata in annoyance

"alright alright lets stop, wait wheres Kageyama?" asked Sugawara

"oh his over there doing some tosses he seems he doesn't care about this thing though.." replied Yamaguchi

"well whatever he would get bet it would be between an alpha or beta" said Tanaka

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and continued to chat about it suddenly Takeda-sensei came with papers and i bet it would be the results.

"ok everyone once i call your name pls get your results!"
said Takeda-sensei

As everyone was being called, Kageyama was called next.

*Kageyama's pov*

"ok then uhm Kageyama's Tobio! pls see your results" said Takeda-sensei

I then flinched as i heard my name and threw the ball somewhere i then took my paper and saw alot of stuff going on. I couldn't even find where was the box for my gender.

"Kageyama! what did you get? im a beta by the way hAh"
said Hinata proudly

"oh uhm where do you see it?"
I asked, got a little embarrassed caused i couldn't find where it was

"oh! did you already check the bottom left?" asked Hinata

"oh lemme see-"

What? w-wait is this for real, no this cant be there must be a mistake i cant be an omega-

"hey! hellooo earth to Kageyama you seemed shock with the results what yah get?"
asked Hinata but in a concerned tone

"o-oh! no no just im uhm happy im a beta aswell haha" i lied..

"cool!! hey Yamaguchi-kun what did you get?"
asked Hinata as he was walking to Yamaguchi and Tsukishima

"oh both me and Tsukki are alphas.. haha crazy right? didnt expect i would be one though"
said Yamaguchi shyly as he scratched the back of his neck

"COOLLLLLLL!! me and Kageyama are betas isn't that right-... Kageyama?"
said Hinata while looking left and right for me

I was walking to the school's clinic while looking closely at my paper. This has to be a mistake, maybe there was a misunderstanding i just need to confirm.

As i got to the clinic, i greeted the nurse and quickly asked

"hi uhm..sorry for the hassle but could you uhm go back to the results of Kageyama Tobio just to make sure"

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