The Next Day

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*No one's pov*

Basically Tsukishima didn't got a full sleep last night. Well, first of all he got home at 11:30pm second, he couldn't sleep since he was h*rny.

Third, he had a full imagination of uhm you know what im talking about ehem, forth he had the urge to look at Kageyama's selfie again. Lastly, he jerked off to kags picture with a whole scenario in his head.

I mean Tsukishima is a smart guy so it wouldn't be a surprise for him to come up with whatever he imagined ☠️. Moving on, it was 6 in the morning and it was time to prepare for school.

*Kageyama's pov*

I then heard a beeping noise coming from my table and it was my phone alarming me that it was 6am. Meaning school UGHHHHHHHH

I sat up and took my phone to turn it off and did a bit of stretching. I stood up and headed to the bathroom

"well atleast i can walk properly, i actually feel pretty good today"

I said to myself in the shower. After a few minutes i got out of the bathroom and wore my uniform then headed downstairs.

"eh ill just buy a snack bar at coach Ukai's store"

I took my bag then locked up the house. Surprisingly, i wasn't late and i can't wait to see Tsukishima. I then smiled at the thought of it and walked a bit faster to the bus stop.

*time skip it was already first period and Tsukishima haven't showed up*

is Tsukishima absent? he can't be..i hope his ok. I thought to myself while fiddling with my fingers.

*Tsukishima's pov*

"Kei? hunny are you in there?"

As i heard my mom knocking at my door, i sat up and couldn't open my eyes since i was still sleepy..

"yeah what's wrong mom?"

"do you have school today?"

"uh..yeah why?"

"Kei! its 8 in the morning, i thought you already left by now!"

SHIT WHAT THE FCK I FORGOT TO SET MY ALARM. I suddenly stood up and quickly rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and splat some water on my face.

I then wore my polo shirt with no sando inside since i was in a hurry grabbed a jacket then took my bag and rushed down the stairs.

"eyyy you late i see" said Akiteru

"i hate you bye"

i replied then ran to the bus stop. As i got on the bus i sighed and catched my breath. Geez, so much energy in the morning, i thought to myself.

I usually dont get late and walk normally to the bus stop and limited energy are being wasted. Well, im going to be late for first period.

*Kageyama's pov*

"ok class thank you and goodbye"

"thank you sensei"

said all of us in unison. First period just ended and Tsukishima isn't here yet is he going to be absent? Pls don't be the next subject is history and we have a project there.

Suddenly Lee and Sara went up to me. I was nervous to interact so i pretended to get something in my bag.

"hey Tobio! did you and Kei finished the research?" asked Sara

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