4. Oopsies... He Saw What Now?!

Start from the beginning

Sheathing my hands with my blue latex gloves, I tap my fingertips on the dirty white garage wall. Closing my eyes, I spread my palm out until it's flat against it and the wall is cool to my touch. My arm hairs prickle with anticipation.

I start humming to calm myself and swaying as my mind cracks and vibrates through my bones. I can literally feel it break open like a nut being squeezed by a nutcrackers. It's painful as I lose control of my body and my vision goes black. My mind is engulfed in clouded darkness with the shadowed outline that caused my mind to split in half. There's no color, only that dark image needing to be painted and brought to life.

My hands grip the small table in front of the wall and I shove it away as if possessed.

The episode has begun.

I can lie and say I like this, but it scares me and it's impossible to control. My body moves and the only sensations I'm getting are from my fingers dipping in paint, that I somehow opened, and running down the canvas. I lose myself and allow my body to do what it needs to do. The thing about my episodes is I can't see what I'm painting, only feel it.

The brittleness of my gloved fingers glides over some small bumps but mostly smooth surface of the drywall. My skin continues to prickle with goosebumps on top of goosebumps.

I don't know how long I paint for. There's no sense of time. It's only me, the garage wall, and my hands. My fingers scratch down the painting and I feel it. It's earthy and cold. There's also loneliness and it echoes in my heart, squeezing it and making my chest tighten in retaliation. There's something else, but I can't understand it. It's calling to me, but the closer I get the more my heart begins to palpitate. One minute my fingers are dancing and creating life, the next I'm scratching erratically until my arms burn from exhaustion, but I don't stop. It's as if I'm ripping through something to get to... something else.

My arms freeze and my nails leave the wall. Out of the darkness, I see it. For the first time in all my years of an episode I get a small glimpse of what I'm painting.

A little finger.

Carefully I try to touch it. As soon as I'm a hair away my heart seizes up and I snap back into reality and out of the darkness. I stumble back as if someone has shoved my upper torso. I catch myself on my dad's bike and throw my hand over my chest where my heart beats unsteadily. Closing my eyes, I breathe in through my nose and out of my mouth.

When I finally gain control over myself, I open my eyes to see the image before me. My throat swells and I break out in a cold sweat.


More accurately torn, old, curled yellow and white rose wallpaper that reveals sections of moldy banged up drywall behind it. There's a hole over down to the right where a little part of that tiny finger has breached through. There are bubble lines like veins around that part of the wallpaper that still remains intact apart from the hole where the top part of the finger sticks through it. The wallpaper curls away from it as the shredded pieces fall down into a scattered pile.

A small silhouette is on the revealed parts of drywall, but not on any of the shredded wallpaper. It looks to be a child's, but I have no idea. Whatever it is... it wanted out, like it's trapped between the wall and wallpaper and it wanted to get to me and something about that terrifies me.

A sharp searing pain shoots in my head making it pound. My fingers grip the roots of my curls and I don't care in the slightest that a variety of paint colors are sticking to my hair.

Turning away from the haunting image, I rip off my latex gloves and let the migraine come. I briskly walk back and forth then sit in front of it, closing my eyes and massaging them with my fingers. I breathe in through my nose and out of my mouth.

The creaks and sound of the wind calms me as does listening to my deep breathing technique. My body relaxes and it feels like I've run a marathon. Once I'm in the right state I open my eyes and look around the garage to see everything is the same, except for the table that had fallen over scattering all of dad's tools on the floor.

My eyes snap back to the image before me and I crawl forward and kneel to where I'm eye level with the tiny figure. My hands go up to touch it and see if it's dry and I swear I can feel a heartbeat hover between me and the painting.

As if it's alive.

It's weird how they always seem alive after I'm done with them. I never go back either or try to rework it because I know it's already completed. My episodes don't end until it's finished.

I retreat and decide not to touch it. Leaning away, my skin tickles as if someone is there next to me and I'm anticipating them to reach out and snag me. Or slide those little arms around my neck and pull me into the cold dark place it lives.

Silence whispers around me along with the wind. As I keep my breathing steady a small voice breaks the quiet night.

"Why won't you remember me?"

Darting away and crawling like a demented crab, my back hits something hard and long. It moves and then something crouches down next to me and fear snakes around me, suffocating me.

"I want to save her."

The shackles break off of me and I tilt my head to see Adonis squatting like a frog right behind me. Now something else grips me. My voice is croaky and rough when I whisper, "How long have you been here?"

Those bipolar eyes snap to mine and that deep forest green one glints against the dim lighting. "I left my phone and I heard someone bust out of the garage door and wanted to make sure everything was alright."

It's as if a seizure goes off inside of me.

He had seen it.

He had seen all of it.

Paint with Me Among the Shadows (Book One, the Salvation MC Series)Where stories live. Discover now