When we reached the swamy's house the senak was no where found. I sighed in a relief. Walking through the back gate i started to work straight away. The swamy's (owner) wife was yelling at me for not preparing the dinner for them. I trembled but nodded my head and started to prepare the dinner. After preparing i went to my small place which was the kadai arai (store room). I had a small bag which had my other cloth. I wanted to see the ring but when i started to search for that it was no where found. My breath was laboring. Where is the ring my Mukundh asked me to keep ?? I searched from paran(loft) i was searching in the kalanjiyam (storage area of grains) but no it was not found. The only symbol for me to live is now missing. I broke down and cried. I cried hard and screamed hard. Why mahadev why me.... i cried but he is not listening to me. He is not listening to me at all. 

"Are you searching for something Ponni ??" came a mocking voice of my swamy's (owner) son. I went to the other side of the room and was not looking at him. "If you are looking at the ring thn don't worry you won't get them.." he said making me suck a harsh breath. He knows... He is the one who has stolen the ring. 

"If you are thinking what did i do to the ring...." he paused. I was nodding my head. To them i am wordless woman. " I sold it..." he said so normally. I whimpered. The only symbol of my love is gone. I wanted to kill him. Turn ma durga (goddess of war) just to tear him part by part. "And you know how much they gave ??" he asked me mockingly. 

"A hundred gold" i sat on the floor in a thud. How am i going to get the ring back ? I just blinked. My eyes are not having any more tears. Days ran as water running in the river. But i couldn't earn two gold coins when will i be able to get the hundred gold coins but will the ring be there. Where did he sell the ring. Why is that always me and my life is been used as a puppet in the hands of rakshas (demonic) people. I am tired of crying. I am broken beyond repair. I am name less. I am family less. I am soul less. I am just a corpse. I am just a corpse. 

I sat in the back yard after the hectic chores for the family which they bought me. Hunger was long time gone. There were no more tears for me to shed. I miss my father, my little deer Vamsi and mostly my love. I am hopelessly waiting for him to come to me. But i know now it is not possible. 

There was a sudden commotion and i stood up as why at this time there was this confusion ?? Suddenly i was been surrounded by the sevak of the kingdom. Sekav for me but why ??

"I took that ring from her case. She was the one who stole it... "came the response of my swamy.

Stole ?? what did i steel ?? The sevak did not ask me anything rather one guy who once messed with me slapped me hard making me feel dizzy. My cheeks hurt and i could taste my own blood. "You little thief.." he growled making me finch in fear and pain as he was holding my hair. 

I was scared. Scared was understatement. I was terrified when the sevak claimed i stole the very important jewel of the kingdom. I did not steal anything. This is the only memory of my Mukund with me. He gave me saying this is his mother's ring and he would get it back from me on the day of his return and asked me to make sure it is safe. I did that but now i am being accused of holding a royal jewel.

They did not hear my plea. I was been chained with heavy iron chains and been dragged by them on the streets. I couldn't fight with them. I begged them to stop but no, they went deaf to me. That moronic sevak was the one who enjoyed this scene. Throwing me in the kalagraham (jail) they said the trail was tomorrow and i would be hanged. I heard the king would always go blind when it comes to crime. Small or big, man or woman he would give justice to everyone. He was calm but there was always calm before storm. He was ruthless. Hunted the other kingdoms who came there way. Would kill anyone who comes his way but never ever punishes the innocent. Should i need to fight for this or should i need to just keep quiet. Rather than living in this humiliations, all i wanted was to die. I am going to make it worst so that there wont be any inquiry but just execute me. I am tired of waiting for Mukund any more. I don't have anymore hope that he will come and find me.

His Queen(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now