I don't feel so good

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Warnings: Swearing, talk of vomit

Lafayette's POV: I suddenly woke up to hear a strange noise coming from the bathroom. I walked over and saw Arabella throwing up into the toilet. I ran over to her and pulled her hair back and she continued to vomit. I then saw Angelica rush into the bathroom as well as Arabella suddenly passed out on the bathroom floor. Angelica tried to shake her awake but it didn't work. Alexander woke up and so did everyone else. Arabella kept waking up and passing out again. She tried to speak while she was awake, she would never fully black out just kinda become unresponsive. We called an ambulance as she threw up a little more.

Arabella: I-I don't feel good Laf.

Lafayette: Shh, it's ok mon amour. Everything will be ok. 

The ambulance arrived and they took Arabella, Angelica and Alexander rode with her. Everyone else met up with them at the hospital. I rushed to the receptionist to get her room number.

Receptionist: Can I help you sir?

Lafayette: What is Arabella Hamilton's room number?

Receptionist: I'm afraid she can't have any visitors right now but you can go join her family over there.

She pointed in the direction of Angelica and Alexander. I rushed over to them and the rest of our squad finally made it inside the hospital since I practically jumped out of the car before we found a spot. 

Lafayette: What did they say? Will she be alright?!

Alexander: I-I'm not sure. They just took her away.

The girls all hugged each other so me and the boys all comforted Alex. The doctor finally came out of the room with some news after about 2 hours.

Doctor: Looks like a very high fever, about 104.5 degrees. She should be alright just don't get to close or else you could get sick as well. 

Alexander: Ok, is she ready to go?

Doctor: Yes, let me go get her and I sent her medicine prescription to the local pharmacy.

Angelica: Thank you.

The doctor came back with Arabella and we checked out. We didn't really say anything until we got into the car.

Arabella: Sorry guys.

Alexander: For what?

Arabella: For bothering you guys in the middle of your sleep.

Lafayette: Mon amour, you were throwing up like crazy and have a high fever, you have nothing to be sorry about!

We got back to the dorms and I went to go walk Arabella and Angelica back. I hug them goodnight and start heading back when I am suddenly stopped by my cousin Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas: Hey cuz, you should come grab a few drinks with us!

He was clearly a little tipsy.

Lafayette: Maybe some other time, thank you for the invite mon ami.

Thomas: Suit yourself! Hey what's going on between you and Arabella?

Lafayette: Nothing, why would you care?

Thomas: Just wondering if my favorite cousin is getting the kinda of girl he deserves and not settling for a Hamilton.

I just walked back to the car that was waiting for me still. It made me angry knowing that some people thought so low of Arabella. We drove back to our dorm in complete silence. Me and Hercules went to bed right away. Well I couldn't sleep so I went on my phone. I then got a text from Arabella.

Badass Bella✨: Hi! 🙃

✨Smol Baguette✨: Go to sleep Bella

✨Badass Bella✨: My sleep paralysis demons and nightmares say no

✨Smol Baguette✨: Aww do you need cuddles mon amour?

✨Badass Bella✨: It'd be better if you don't come, Herc and Angie are making up and making out if you know what I mean 😏

✨Smol Baguette✨: Eww, don't forget we have a sub in history tomorrow

She didn't reply, hopefully she fell asleep. I tried to catch some sleep and did eventually end up sleeping.

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