New territory

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The flight to Jade Mountain was not as long as Winter first thought. His sister Icicle decided that she would fly ahead after stating multiple times how slow Winter was.

At least she's gone and not annoying me. I still wish that she'd see me differently. All I want is more respect...

For this one time Winter let these thoughts pass through his head as soared closer and closer to Jade Mountain. The once small distant shape of JM was getting bigger and closer while Winter glided towards it. Stopping midair, Winter inspected the gathering crowd of dragons. Majority of them were chatting excitedly while some were nervously trying to introduce themselves. Some dragons were saying goodbye to their parents, but one dragon stood out. A sand coloured dragon was clearly avoiding attention, he was climbing around the back of the mountain and watching the dragons below. He had his belly pressed to the ground and his tail rattled unconsciously against the rocky surface.

Winter felt sudden curiosity towards this sandwing but shrugged it off. Landing gracefully he advanced to the entrance.
A strange feeling told home that he would be seeing that sandwing again. He met a nightwing who gave him a map and an information scroll. The conversation went something like this:

"Hi! I'm Fatespeaker! What's your name.. wait- lemme guess.. Winter? Oh yes you must be Winter. Here are your welcome scrolls. Enjoy your time here!" Winter didn't even bother saying anything back, this dragon was too crazy and his words would be said in vain.


After some time, he arrived at the cave which fatespeaker said was his 'dorm'. He was supposed to be sharing with his clawmates.. even though he was royalty and most definitely deserved his own cave. In the cave already was the same sandwing from earlier. Great.. he must've come in when Winter was receiving his scrolls or when Winter was looking for the cave.

The sandwing looked up and Winter met his spellbinding dark eyes. "Hi" he said not looking away.

Say something quick! Ummmm..

"I am prince Winter of the Icewings, nephew to Queen Glacier."

"Ooo so your a fancy snow sniffer," he replied grinning.

Winter growled. The icewing climbed into the ledge across from Qibli's.

"Nice to meet you, your highness" the sandwing said, grinning wider.

"Whatever sand snorter"

Despite his words, Winter was surprised that he too, was glad he met Qibli.


Authors note: I don't think that winter and Qibli share a cave in the actual book but this is a fanfic so I can do whatever I want :)

Also no hate towards Fatespeaker.

I'd like to thank, . Thank you for being the first person to support me.

-the lonely wolf

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