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Does anyone else hear that weird kinda white noise-like sound behind peoples words when they speak slightly above their normal talking volume? Like, they're nowhere near yelling (and it gets worse/louder if they are), but they're a liiiiittle bit above a talking volume. Please say that makes sense and someone knows what I'm talking about. Is that normal?😂

Alsooo, I just realized I started this book with Ethan's bedroom being downstairs, but somehow turned that room into a gaming room and his bedroom upstairs. Idk how that happened, whoops😅

Ethan's POV

My eyes scanned the dark. I couldn't look anywhere else but at the ceiling above me that I couldn't see. I could hear my heart beating inside my chest, refusing to calm down. I felt sweaty over my body, but no sweat was to be seen. Everywhere I looked, the sight was the same. Pitch black. My room was completely dark.

Slowly, I turned my head to the side of my bed. Grabbing my phone and turned it on, blinding myself in the process. The light from my phone screen illuminated enough of my room to see around my body. The blankets were messier than they usually were when I slept. I had managed to push my pillow out from under my head and onto the floor. It wasn't a good dream.


I was woken up in the middle of the night by a dream. No, a nightmare. I was never too freaked out by dreams, I knew they were all fake and I was okay. But tonight was different for some reason. My hands were sweaty as I held my phone in them, my heart is slowly calming down, and I didn't think I could go to sleep again tonight.

Without a second thought, I opened my contacts and called the one person I knew was awake.

It didn't take long for her to answer.

"You're awake?" She asked, surprised.

I let out a sigh, laying back down. "Yeah," My eyes returned to the ceiling, but this time I could see it. "A dream woke me up."

"A bad one?" She questioned. I only hummed in response.

She made a noise of understanding. "Are you scared? Do you want me to come and protect you?" She joked.

I thought for a moment, my eyes focused on one point of the ceiling. I knew she was joking, but the idea of her coming over sounded much more comforting. I wouldn't be alone here.


The other end was silent for a moment. Soon though, I heard movement and she finally spoke. "Yeah sure. I'll be there soon."

With that, she hung up. It wasn't a long call, but it doesn't matter. She'll be here soon enough.

This would be two nights in a row she's been here. Shockingly enough, I asked for one to happen. I wanted her here. Yeah, my parents could wake up, but they won't know she's here if we go downstairs. The most they do is yell down the basement stairs if they needed me. They'd never see Y/n and they'd never know.

* * *

Pulling my attention out of my phone and to my window, a tapping sounded, no doubt from Y/n letting me know to let her in. I pulled the blankets off of my body and stood up, taking the few steps it takes to reach the window. I already felt better, I wasn't alone.

Pulling the curtains open, I see Y/n standing outside. She smiled up at me, waving a bit but keeping her arm close to her body. Quickly, I pushed the window open and stepped out of the way to let her in. With ease, she pulled herself through the window and was standing in my room with me. It wasn't too loud, unlike the first time she crawled her way through.

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