"And that's what lead us to your bunk room, disturbing you and your compatriots. My apologies, Miss Briller. Captain, when he has a plan of action, he just goes for it."

It turns out that a couple of General Communiqué came in from the station not long ago outlining the request for information for a young lady who may be in trouble by the name of Trivicia Briller. The information outlined her physical stats, but held an old holopic of her dressed up really pretty, from a few years ago at a charity function. When the Captain heard about the passengers his freighter was delivering to New Texas, he learned the description in the communique fit my description and he had to come to the bunk room where I was staying to make sure I wasn't being held under duress. Hence this laser gun.

When he realised I was exactly who the general communiqué said I was, he got so excited and completely forgot his initial intention for hunting me down.

"You see, Ms Briller, our Clan and whole merchant company owes a debt of gratitude bigger than we can ever repay to you and yours. If there is anything we can help you with, please, by all means, let us know." Mr Mendoza finished explaining what the whole situation was about and then asked us to come into the conference room on the freighter to talk some more.

"I'd be happy to, but please, I need to know that you haven't sent a reply or confirmed my whereabouts. I need to know that I am safe, please." This was the first thing on my list of needs right now.

[I can confirm that nothing has been written nor sent to confirm you are on The Chaser.] Nova said.

Thanks Nova, I appreciate you keeping me in the loop. I replied.

"Oh, my Dear, we can certainly let the station know you are safe here aboard The Chaser. I'll even let them know your ETA for arrival in New Texas." Cade Quadrozzi patted himself on his chest, proud to have a job to do.

"NO!" "Don't do it, Captain!" Both Mendoza and I yelled at the same time.

The Captain startled, looking between his assistant and I, then his face took on a sharper look and he nodded.

"You are in hiding. My apologies, young one. I didn't know you were running away from home," he replied with a goofy grin on his face and I face palmed. I really couldn't help it.

A few minutes later, Latte, Mocha and I was sitting in large comfortable pleather chairs that had no place being on an old junker freighter like this one. We were served a glass of fresh water and given sliced apples to eat. At the conference table with us sat Cade, Phil – as he preferred to be called, and a lovely older woman who sat next to Cade.

"My apologies for the trouble the Old Brute had caused you. Don't worry. The laser pistol he was waving about doesn't even work. It is a relic from two hundred years ago and usually sits on his office wall." The woman had lovely coffee coloured skin and dark brown hair. Her voice was melodic but a little scratchy in places.

"That's OK." I waved her off and looked at Cade to make sure he didn't have another gun on his person.

"Hey, hey. I was making sure you weren't being held against your will. We get that happening from time to time. The old pistol comes in handy to scare the young and stupid." Cade tried to justify his actions and I really wanted to smile.

"It's OK. You can laugh at him. We all do. Often." The woman smiled as Phill laughed.

"You're supposed to be on my side, my wife. How come you are making me look so bad in front of our Clan's beneficiary?" He grumbled.

"I am Gianni Quadrozzi, and as you have guessed, I am Cade's wife. He is the braun, I am the brains." I watch as Phill nods his head as he stand behind Cade's back.

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