Chapter Seven

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NOVA! I screamed.

[Nanites.] He replied.

What? I asked.

[The black threads are my nanites, left over from the containment vessel you found me in.] He had successfully distracted me as my hand went cold and blood started to expand under my skin. I sucked in a breath as the shuttle door opened, letting me enter.

I was closed into the shuttle and the second airlock door opened. My hand ached, but it was only my hand, no where else was in any more pain than before we began this getaway.

Thank you Nova. I nodded my head and took deep breathes, grateful that the suite at least had a full load of air.

[I will need access to the on board computer to download the schematics and driving manual for the vehicle.]

Can you drive it using your nanites? I pulled my gloved hand up to my helmet visor to see if I could see the holes where Nova penetrated through the glove. I saw only a spot of black on the light grey material of the suit.

[You will be driving under my directions.]

I'm going to be flying this thing? Nova, I had a security detail and an older brother who did all of my driving for me. I don't even know how to drive a grav lift.

[You will follow my instructions to the nth degree and I will guide you out of here.]

Nth degree? Who even says that stuff. Where did you get that from? I asked, scoffing at his old fashioned saying.

[I have no idea, my memory bank is still being defragged.] His voice held a touch of nostalgia.

I scrambled up to the pilot's seat and placed my hand on the panel in front of me. Lights came on after Nova did his thing and he had control of the whole vessel.

[Air tanks are full, h2O sufficient. Power levels are lacking, probably enough for one jump out system. Are you ready to go?] I took a deep breath, and spoke quietly to myself.

"I can do this. I am my grandfather's granddaughter. A Briller for life. Nothing can stop me. OK, you can do this. Stay strong, focus on the prize, freedom or bust."

[Let's hope not bust, it took too much effort to find bioware as it was.]

"NOVA!" I couldn't help giggle. His sarcasm was really funny this time.

The shuttle started up and I could see the little black threads leaving my glove and trail off into electrics of the piloting panel before us. The last of the black nanites disappeared and I felt the whole shuttle shudder.

[Place your hands on the screen in front of you. Move them away from you we move forward, back towards your chest and the shuttle slows down. If you bring them all the way to the edge of the piloting panel, the shuttle will stop and stay in place. Move your hand left, shuttle moves left, right and we move right. I will direct you using degrees and left, right, forward, and back, up and down directions. Once we leave the flight deck, you will appear on station radar and lidar. They will ping your location quickly.]

OK, OK. So, forward we move forwards... I gave it a go and the hovering shuttle moved as Nova said it would. I turned the shuttle carefully ninety two degrees so we were facing the star studded exit then waited until Nova had a handle on things, especially the calculations for the jump drive.

When the airlock cycled through back at the entrance to the flight deck, I could see a number of ugly looking guys running towards the shuttle with lazer guns pointed in my direction.

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