Chapter Ten

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The Captain and his Executive Officer didn't have much to say after that. I slept then woke again and by the evening of the next day I was ready to leave the medibed. I had been moving my arms and legs, neck and head, gaining my mobility. I was able to sit up and lie down all on my own, at this stage. Now it was time to see if I could stand up and walk. Standing while holding onto the bed was easier than I thought it would be. Taking a step landed me on the floor.

"Miss, are you OK?" A male medical assistant approached me, to help.

"I'm OK." I took he offered hand and he helped me onto the bed again.

"Trying to walk? I think you need a little more conditioning on your muscles before trying anything further. How about some physio on your arms and legs to help stretch the muscles and ligaments? I am Corporal Hannerman, by the way, Miss." The guy was professional in his assistance, and I couldn't feel any creepy vibes from his attitude.

[Corporal Hannerman, aged twenty two, recovering gambling addict. Was busted for possession of stolen goods at sixteen and sent to juvie detention for two years until he enlisted in ASF. His record has been clean since then. He is working his way through medical training to become a certified medic. He's one of the good ones. Since leaving juvie, he's avoided anything to do with gambling. There are a number of communique from him to his male lover on a different ship. They met in basic training.]

OK, enough, enough! Nova would have kept rambling on about this guy's life story if I didn't have shut him up.

*Sniff* was his response. How could he even sniff without of nose is what I wanted to know?

Are you getting snitty on me, Nova? I asked in a stern voice, one my father had used on me and my older brother many times throughout my childhood.

[One does not snit in polite society.] Was his sarcastic reply. I sighed at his terrible humour.

I looked up at medical assistant next to me and gave him a tentative smile and lightly nodded my head. "I'd like that, please. I was starting to go crazy sitting alone with nothing to do."

"Oh, yeah. Your implant won't be authorised to use the ship's network. That makes sense, but you don't want to over do it too soon, or you could end up causing unwanted damage to your muscles or joints." He helped me back up onto the bed, then moved to the foot of the bed to the medial bed read out.

"Its says here that everything is in order, just your muscles are weak and your ligaments tight. You are underweight as well, but I guess you already knew that." I snorted out loud, then covered my mouth while looking at him.

I really was underweight. Six months in a modified cryogenic sleep in a gimmied-up space relic, it wasn't surprising that I'd lost a lot of weight. I don't even want to see what I looked like now. My hair felt greasy everyday and my skin dry. My lips were constantly peeling and my nails were brittle. I felt awful just thinking about it.

"Oh, but don't let that stop you from giving it a try, Miss." The guy looked like he was about to panic at my sudden sadness. "Hey, now. Look. You're going to be OK. The programme here suggests a light muscle rub down with stretching and flexing of your joints and ligaments. How about I find a nice medicated oil and we give it a go. Are you all right with a male medic giving you this treatment, Miss Cia?" He was professional and polite and I knew that he wasn't going to be take advantage of me or anything, just by his attitude and kindness. Knowing he wasn't attracted to the opposite gender helped as well.

"I'm OK with you administering physio therapy, thank you." I lay down and enjoyed the massage he gave. But when he went into bending and flexing each of my joints on my legs then arms, it was hard and aching work. By the end of it I was ready for sauna and a sonic spa. Too bad the medbay had neither. I groaned in pain when he'd finally finished the treatment.

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