Chapter 20 - Taking a Breath

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"What's up, kid? Is Henry okay?"

She went and sat down next to me.

"He's fine. They stitched him up and he's getting a good walk somewhere."

"The two of you, okay?"

"Yeah. I mean...I just...I didn't realize how many people cared for him."

"What happened?"

"That woman, Michonne, she had a talk with me."

"And what is it that she said. She didn't threaten you did she?"

"No. I mean, she did but that's only cause she cares about Henry. And I'm a stranger."

"You and I have that in common."

"You seemed to have gotten along with that woman, Rosita, pretty well."

"She was the stranger that I helped get back to Hilltop. But I'm pretty sure that she still sees me as a stranger as well. And the whole feeling like an outsider thing is still very much felt. I think it kind of always will."

Lydia sighed.

"Maybe the two of us should have left when you offered."

"No. Henry would have never let us. Unless he was coming along. He's really taken a liking to you hasn't he."

"Yeah. It's crazy to think about because the truth is, I've really taken a liking to him too."

"You two look cute together. I have to admit."

She laughed lightly.

"Thanks. What about you and Daryl?"

"What about us?"

"Don't you think you two look cute together?"

"God no. I don't like him like that."

"You sure about that? I see the way he looks at you."

"Oh, how confused you are. He's keeping an eye on me. Like I said before, I'm still a stranger to these people. And I don't think that will ever go away."

Her smile slowly faded.

"I don't think it'll ever go away for me either."

"Nah. There's hope for you. You're a kid. People tend to forgive kids easier than adults."

"What happened? While you were with them? What was it that made you to leave? I know you said that you didn't want to talk about it but so many...horrible things play in my head that I need you to put my mind at ease a little."

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed heavily.

"I can't tell you the whole story. Not cause I don't want to but because that is some heavy shit for me. All I'll say, for now, is that I just got tired of it all. Tired of going from place to place, enduring all that I had to, to get to where I ended up. For my own sanity, I had to leave."

I took in deep breaths to keep my emotions at bay.

"Would you have left me there?"

I looked over at her.

"After being on the road for a while, you'd cross my mind. I'd feel guilty for leaving you with her and would eventually turn back to take you away."

She smiled.

"Where would we go?"

"Have you ever been to a beach?"

"No. Not that I can remember."

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