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Five Months Later

Entry 297 - "The End" - June 25, 2015

It was amazing. Just a few months ago, that boy swept me off my feet. This boy helped me well in this world. He showed me what no one else could. Just a few months ago, we would sit at the park and do nothing but stare.

I can't even bear to say his name anymore. It's too painful.

His beautiful blue eyes caught me. I was tangled in this web and I couldn't get myself free; I was stuck in an emotional limbo at the time, but he saved me. All that time I felt lost and thanks to him, I was finally found.

June 15, he stopped coming to the park. And on June 25, the boy's blue eyes became dull - they were pale. Gray. I would never see those blue eyes again. They would be forever lost.

Thanks to that random drunkard, I was lost again. Thanks to him, someone, my someone, was hit hard.

The boy with the beautiful blue eyes was dead.


What a wonderful ship we have here.
It'd be a shame if one of them were to die...

This hurts me more than it hurts you.

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