A smile spread across her lips at the thought of what will happen after she falls pregnant, oh, the fun will begin only then. Every step of theirs will be calculated by her, she will rule that house more than a queen would rule a kingdom, more than and emperor could rein an empire. She can't freaking wait for that time, the reins will be in her hands always!

She will make Bushra Amani bow down to her all commands, everything about Bushra will be in her hands. She will know her movements, she is going to start the real drama only then!

"Good morning." Mika'il greeted from behind her with a small smile which she returned before keeping the spatula and goes to give him a hug.

"Morning, baby. Hope you aren't tired today?" She asked cheekily, moving back to the stove to continue whatever it is she is sautéing.

"I'm not, thanks for asking." His words sound professional but he can't even help it. It is as though he is talking to a stranger.

"Stop being formal you idiot." She said taking him by surprise because he stopped taking the chair to sit down and stare at her in that what the fuck did you just call me stare.

"An idiot?" He inclined his head to the side, raising one eyebrow her way to answer that question immediately.

"Uh, I'm sorry, it slipped." She laughed awkwardly and quickly turn her back to him so he can sit on the kitchen chair again like he has planned.

This went bad, awfully bad and not what she's expected after she calls him that. Won't he just laugh it off like he does his first wife and good around with her? He is still not comfortable with her huh? She will make it work no matter what, they are going to start calling each other names just like he does with his first wife. He fucking dare to stop her again, she will see who comes in her way.

She thought he would find her cute outfit pretty but it seems like he didn't even look at the puscia pink unicorn onesie she is wearing, it stopped right in the middle of her thigh. She bought in China and it was very expensive, the man is not looking her way! He is not staring at the Hermes she is wearing, the nerve of him!

Bushra yawned as she stood up blindly to leave the room knowing she is late, she felt Mika'il's kiss earlier but she couldn't wake up with how tired she is and how she didn't manage to get sleep that other night. It is already ten in the morning which means Zara and Mika'il already have their breakfast, she doesn't like this. With a sigh, she run the sleep off her face and check the mirror again to see if there is something Zara isn't supposed to see.

Her ruby singlet and cotton shorts are set in place and the veil she wrapped around her is loosely around her shoulders so she tie it back and left the room. She heard no sound around the house so with furrowed brows, she continue to the way to the kitchen if she hasn't forgotten. The ensuite consists of two bedrooms, one kitchen and a living room just comfortable for them. She wanted separate rooms though.

"Here you are." She heard Zara's voice inside the kitchen, they are sitting awkwardly and from the looks of it, Mika'il isn't much happy.

"Oh, good morning. I couldn't wake up early." She yawned again and made her way to kiss Mika'il's cheek the settled on the other chair beside him keeping him in the middle.

"I woke you up earlier but you hit my face so I left before I yaw green." Mika'il chuckled like he wasn't the one frowning, she is always there to get him out of his angry shell.

Zara could see how he has been staring at Bushra's cleavage and legs, he couldn't even look at half her mounds when she showed him! She has way bigger chest and behind than Zara even thought she doesn't have the hourglass figure Bushra has, she is still overload.

It is not like he wants to do injustice between the women but Zara has no right to call him an idiot when they are not good around each other, it sounds like she is disrespecting him. Whenever Bushra says it, it is different but from Zara, he doesn't like the sound of it and she needs to stop before he lose it. It takes great effort to be comfortable around Bushra which is why he decided to start insulting her like that though not in a bad way.

"Sorry, I was so tired. So, new sister, what did you have for us?" Zara hasn't served the food which means they are either waiting for her or the food hasn't finished cooking.

Zara will ask Mika'il to wait for her just so he could think she is nice, that woman is a green snake in a green grass. Thank God Bushra knows just how to work with people like her, she's been through highschool where everyone wants to be the best of all so they can get the award of 'Most Wanted' which she got along with 'Most Beautiful' she really rocked her highschool well.

"We were waiting for you, we didn't wait for long so don't worry. I made chicken fajita stuffed avocado, you will love it." Zara beamed as she placed the plates on the table for each one of them.

That is what she knows how to cook best her whole life which happens because of college where she doesn't have anyone to do it for her. Hanan asked her to do it as she makes it best, she hopes they like it though, she can't afford to fold their hands now when she put it upon herself to cook for them the day before, no one asked her to do it as they can easily order room service.

"This is good." Bushra nodded her head but in all honesty, she don't find it nice neither does it taste bland. It is just in between where you bite into chicken with each bite.

"How about you, baby?" Zara asked her husband who only kept pushing the spoon into his mouth to get it over with. He wants to start the day already, he feels suffocated yet again.

"Amazing, very nice." He smiled too just before he took his last bite and pushed the plate away then stood up to go wait for them in the living room.

Zara and Bushra ate in silence, Bushra had this thought of Zara poisoning her but she wouldn't do it in front of Mika'il right? Not that she can even kill her, nothing can kill Bushra Amani except when her time comes.

The day begun...

How are you? I had an amazing day today, really! I met up with one of my childhood friends and mehn, I enjoyed my day reminiscing some memories and making new ones. Anyways, Zara and Bushra are getting at it o! And the people that commented, teemerhzahrerh, dblackvirgo, brownieesss, Meemxy. Please indicate if you have commented and I didn't add your name. My wattpad isn't letting me tag😥 sorry but this chapter is for youuuuuu allllllll


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