chapter 2

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Violet's POV

Flashback: October 9, 2009

"No! You cannot ever see her. I am her legal parent and you're not." I hear my mom screaming to someone on the phone.

I cover my ears at the rucus my mom is making.

"Listen, 9 years ago, when we went to Italy, we were young and we made a mistake." My mom starts, then turns her head and notices I'm listening. "Hold on, I'll call you back."

I quickly stand up as she's coming over to me.

"I thought I told you to wait in your room and pick out a bedtime story for me to read to you." My mom says while holding my hand.

"I-I wanted to know what was taking you so long." I say. "I picked a story."

"Which one today?" My mom asks.

"Goldie Locks." I say.

"Alright, I will be right up." My mom says and walks back to the phone.

When my mom comes upstairs, she starts reading the story.

"Hey, Mom? Why don't you ever talk about my dad?" I ask.

"Honey, don't worry about it." My mom says.

"Can you at least tell me his name?" I ask.

"Fine, his name is Daryl." My mom says.

End of flashback

Current day: January 24, 2015

Could Daryl really be my father? Wouldn't he have noticed me?

This whole apocalypse crap has really messed with everyone. No one knows how the whole thing even started. Basically the population got wiped but there are very few survivors.

Daryl walks by me and walks back.

"Hey, kid. You okay?" He asks.

"Did you have a daughter?" I blurt out.

He looks shocked and confused.

"Yeah, I did. But I never got to meet her because my girlfriend never let me near her." Daryl says.

"What was you girlfriends name?"

"Teresa." Daryl says. "Why?"

Then it clicked.

"I-I'm your daughter." I say.


"I'm your daughter. " I say, once again.

"What happened to Teresa?" He asks, worried.

"I don't know. About 5 years ago, she was leaving to go somewhere becasue she said only she could take care of whatever she was doing. After she left, I never saw her again." I explain. "But she's not dead and I'm going to keep looking for her."

"So, you're just going to leave?" Daryl asks.

"Pretty much." I say, getting up.

"I will not let you leave. You can get killed." He says.

"Listen, I have been surviving on my own for the past five years. I think I'll be okay." I say.

"Violet, I've missed the first 15 years of your life and I'm not going to miss anymore." He says.

"I've been looking for my mom ever since she disappeared and I'm not stopping now." I say.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not father material. But I have been trying to get Teresa to let me see you ever since I found out you were born." Daryl explains. "That's why you haven't had a father."

"She never talked about you. Whenever i asked about you, she would change the subject." I say.

"That was Teresa. She was so secretive and mysterious." Daryl says.

"Did my mom give you that jacket?" I say pointing to his angel wing jacket.

"Yeah." He says.

"What does it mean?" I ask.

"I'm not really sure." He says.

"My mom would always tell me that angel quote and I never understood why." I say.

"Like I said, she was always secretive and mysterious." Daryl says.

"No, like she was obsessed with angel wings and that quote. She had a bunch of tattoos representing it, she had statues of angel wings and she had that quote written everywhere." I say. "It had to have meant something."

I get up and walk further into the woods. I hear footsteps so I turn around to see a walker and it falls on me. I try grabbing my knife but my hand is stuck. I keep it's head away from my neck so it doesn't bite me. Suddenly, the walker falls over with an arrow in its head.

I turn to see Daryl holding up his crossbow.

"Thanks." I say and brush the dirt off of me.

"No problem." He says.

I notice there is a bloody hand print on the tree and there is a backpack sitting up against it. The letters AW are printed on it.


"Look at this." I say, showing Daryl the letters.

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