8 Letters

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Rose's POV
Draco stood, leaning against my chester draws as I took a seat on the edge of my bed awkwardly. We were silent for a few moments as I tried to figure out where to start, we hadn't really spoken in weeks so this felt uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you" I started
"Rose it's fine..."
"No it's not, it wasn't fair. I don't want that to be the way we communicate"
"I deserved it though" He sadly said.
"Why are you still part of the inquisitorial squad?"
"I-I Just thought after everything Umbridge did to...to you that day it was better to be part of it and keep an eye on what they were doing rather than being out of the loop" Draco explained.


"Why did you sign up in the first place?" I asked
"Honestly, I just wanted to get at Potter".


"Why didn't you tell me about everything, don't you trust me" He frowned
"I do, I do trust you but no one else does"
"So you chose them over me"
"I just tried to do what I thought was right at the time, I wanted to get back at Umbridge and Harry was right we have to be able to protect ourselves, it's not about choosing" I tried to explain.
"You could have told me" He said
"It's not like you would have joined"
"No, but if you told me something in confidence I would never ever tell anyone if you asked me not to" He muttered, a sad expression taking over his face.

I wish I could turn back time right now.

"I'm sorry" I muttered "I just didn't want to fuck it up for everyone in the group and after everything that happened I was just so mad at you Draco"
"I know..."
"I just hate how you act when I'm not looking, your like a different person".
"It killed me when I saw what Umbridge did to you Rose" Draco explained
"It's the fact you would have been okay with that happening regardless of me being there or not".


"I can't change who I am Rose!" Draco snapped
"But that's not who you are! You and I both know that Draco!"
"I'm sorry Rose okay Just do it already!" He shouted
"Do what?" I said confused.
"Break up with me, we clearly don't work"
"You think I want to break up with you!" I asked
"I can just tell, I'm not stupid" He spat.

I felt my heart break as I saw Draco's expression, I got to my feet immediately as I made my way to where he was standing. My hands gently made there way to his face as I held it, making him look at me in the eyes.

"Draco...I'm not breaking up with you" I whispered
"You should" He scoffed
"Draco we both acting wrong In this situation, it could have been solved a lot better if we both weren't so stubborn" I cooed.


"I would never break up with you Draco Malfoy" I smiled as his grey eyes melted into mine
"I'm only staying in the inquisitorial squad so I can make sure nothing like...what happened ever happens again" He whispered.
"I know that now" I smiled
"I won't allow anyone to hurt you" he said sternly.


"The thought of anyone laying a finger on you just makes me so angry because I..."


"Because what Draco" I asked.

Draco gently took my hands out of his face and took a step back as I saw the inner battle he was currently having with his own mind. He stood deadly still as he glared down at the floor, taking a few deep breaths in before averting his gaze back to me.

"Because I love you" He said, shaking slightly as the words left his lips.

I stood there, staring back at him in shock as my mind tried to catch up with what I just heard...he said it. The words filled my entire body up making me feel warm inside, I could practically feel the butterflies forming in my stomach.

Once I didn't answer straight away Draco ripped his eyes away from mine and stared down at the floor again, his hands shoved in this pockets as his face changed to an expression of sadness. Once I saw this I took my hand and gently lifted his chin back up so he was now looking at me again. I moved closer into him and took his face into my hands gently.

"I love you too Draco, so much" I whispered softly.

I saw Draco's grey eyes twinkle as he looked at me in disbelief.

"You do?" He asked, a smile forming on his lips
"Of course I do!" I smiled.

Draco crashed his lips onto mine furiously as he lifted me up off the ground, holding me up tightly by the waist. I wrapped my legs around his torso as i leant into him even further, deepening the kiss immediately with desperation to be as close to him as possible. My hands travelled to his platinum blond hair as he moved away from my lips and left a trail of hungry kisses down my neck making my skin tingle. I returned the favour and started kissing his neck softy, getting more aggressive as I went. He walked us over to my bed, not breaking the kiss even when he laid me down gently. I grabbed onto his shirt as I pulled him close towards me and wrapped my legs around him again.

He suddenly pulled away as he looked me dead in the eyes.
"Are you okay with this?" He muttered
"I want to Draco, are you okay this this?".
He smirked and kissed my cheek lovingly
"Absolutely" He smiled.

Draco leant back down and kissed me passionately, as we deepened the kiss more I began to slip his robes off, unbuttoning his skirt slowly. As his shirt came crashing off he turned his attention to my clothes, as he undressed me slowly, while I kissed his neck making him squirm at my touch. We kissed every inch of each others bodies, paying an equal amount of attention to one another. It was intimate and filled with love. It was everything I thought it would be.

I was flushed against Draco's chest as he played with my hair loosely, neither of us having a care in the world. Our hands were intwined as I listened to his steady heartbeat, feeling the peace and relaxation of this moment wash over me.

"You okay?" He cooed, still playing with my hair
"Yeah I'm great, you?" I smiled
"To say an hour again I thought we were breaking up and now we're here...I'm better than great" He smirked
"Let's never not talk for that long again"
"Agreed" He laughed.

"Can I tell you something" I whispered into his chest

"You were erm my first time" I laughed awkwardly.
I felt Draco sit up slightly as he studied my carefully.
"Seriously" He questioned "What about Cedric?"
"We never went like all the way" I explained
"Was it okay?" He asked nervously
"Yeah of course, don't sound so worried I just felt like I wanted to let you know" I smiled.

"I fucking love you Rose Nicholls" He grinned as he dived in for kiss, and another and then another.
"Love you too" I smiled against his lips.

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