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Rose's POV
My words caught in my throat as I looked out at the night sky and how it was perfectly lit up by the millions of the stars. They all shone in unions, and in that moment I felt complete peace wash over me as I took in the sight of the vast night sky towering above me.

"Woah" I breathed out "It's beautiful".

I felt Draco sit besides me on the stone cold floor, moving a little bit closer to me.

Draco took the fire whisky out of my cold hand and swiftly took a couple swigs from the new and full bottle.
"Hey save some for me" I whined
"I think you've had enough" He laughed
"Fair point..." I said as I averted my gaze back to the bright stars.

Suddenly, I decided to lay down looking up at the stars with nothing else in my view. It felt like I was being buried in the night sky as I felt my body tingle as the alcohol rushed through my bloodstream. Without even realising Draco had laid down besides me staring with me at the mesmerising sky.

A comfortable silence fell between us as I watched Draco close his eyes, he looked so peaceful.

"Doesn't it just make you feel so small" I asked
"What does" Draco questioned, opening his eyes again to burn me with his deep stare.

"The sky, it's so big and vast. So peaceful and calm. Doesn't it just made you feel so small, like none of your problems really matter in the grand scheme of things. I feel like I could get buried in this view, right here right now. It makes me feel at peace" I smiled.


"And the stars just sit there and watch over us, for millions of years. They watch the world swap and change, and even though terrible things happen in the world and society shifts...the stars stay the same. Despite everything they sit there. It's a reminder that life isn't that scary, and if you ever feel that way, you can just look up to the sky as a form of comfort".

"That was quite dark Blondie"
"Was it? I asked.


"Beautifully so" he softy said, which made my smile grow even further. Damn this boy sometimes.


"Does it really make you feel at peace" He asked
"Yeah...I think it always has. Makes your problems feel so small maybe only for a little while but I get trapped in the beauty of it so easily"
"I get that" He chimed in
"How so?" I asked.


"Sorry" I began....

"No it's fine, it just get it....When I was a boy.... sometimes I would be so frustrated and I would get so worked up. When this happened I used to climb to the roof of my house, not that my parents ever noticed".

I don't know why but when he said this all I wanted to do was pull him into me and hug him tightly.

"I would just sit on the roof and watch the sunset turn into darkness. I would just sit in silence for hours and hours on end and just melt into the darkness. I always have preferred dusk over dawn there is just something so relaxing about it".

His grey eyes met mine and I melted into his gaze, I warmly smiled to try and comfort him as he opened up to me. He simply returned my smile as we both gazed back up at the stars and watch the sky turn even darker.

"I'm sorry..." He suddenly whispered as he lifted his blond head off the floor and slowly sat back up. Which I also did and met his gaze, yet again melting into it.

"For what"
"Everything" he muttered "I'm especially sorry for I acted in the corridor that one time after class".

Suddenly, images of that moment flashed before me.

"I am ashamed of myself for how i acted" he admitted
"It's okay..."
"No it's not Rose".

Did he just call me by my first name...

"All is forgiven honestly, life is far too short" I smiled
"You could forgive me"
"Already have" I said while playfully punching his arm.


"Why though" he muttered under his breath
"Because ... I still stand by what I said that day"
"You think I'm good deep down?" He said with disbelief
"Yes, I just think you need to allow yourself yourself truly" I smiled.

"So how did you get into singing" He quiried, taking another sip of fire whisky
"I'm not sure honestly, I can't remember a time when I didn't sing now" I admitted
"Is thay what you want to do with your life" He asked
Genuinely interested.
"Yes definitely! There is no other option for me" I smiled, just imaging the life that I dreamed about so often.
"Here or in the muggle world"
"Both" I smirked "I mean why not"
"What about you then?"
He simply scoffed.
"I have enough money to never have to work a day in my life Blondie"
"So you don't want a job".

Draco fell silent, I could see him thinking.

"Tell me!" I said, excited
"Tell me now" I repeated
"It's stupid!" He muttered
"I'll be the judge of that Malfoy" I smiled
"A healer..." He whispered so quite I could barely make out what he had actually said
"Wow" I replied
"You think it's stupid" He scoffed
"No" I said sternly
"I think you would be a great healer, and if that's what you want to do with your life, don't let anyone hold you back!" I said confidently.

He simply shot me a warm and genuine smile. Making my heart melt.

"You forgive Diggory yet" He joked
"Yes actually"
"What!" He spat "your back together"
"Oh god no, we're just friends from now on"
"Really" He asked
"Really" I said seriously.

We sat for what felt like hours, occasionally we'd chat some more or we would simply sit up and watch the stars glisten in the sky.

"I should be heading back everyone will wonder where I've got to" I muttered, not wanting to leave.

Once I said this Draco's expression turned to sad, but again as quickly as it has appeared it was gone twice as fast.

"Yeah sure, let me help you up" He said as he stood up and reached his hands out for me to take.

As soon as I placed my hands in his I felt the same spark of electricity pass from his body to mine. Seriously what was that I thought. This is the second time it had happened now.

We both walked down the staircase together and began to part ways
"See you in September Draco" I shouted back
"I look forward to it...Rose" He smirked.

I spent the rest of the night dancing with all of my friends, we had an amazing time and it had been a great way to see off the school year.

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