Dumbedore's Army

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Rose's POV
I followed Hermione to the room of requirement after transfiguration for the very first DA meeting, we walked to the blank brick wall as we closed our eyes tightly.

"Show us the room of requirement" We both whispered and with that the door suddenly materialised to form a huge oak door. Hermione's waited the handed to open to door slowly as I kept a look out there was no one watching us, once we realised the cost was clear we headed inside. Most people had already arrived as we joined to group that gathered around Harry to listen to what we would be learning today. Harry made us all form an orderly line whereby each of us would step forward and cast a disarming spell. Everyone did this fairly easily and disarmed the statue in-front of us. Neville on the other hand not so much, as soon as he would shout 'Expelliarmus' his wand would shoot out of his hands and be throw backwards, it had almost took Ron's head off a couple of times...

We'd met successfully now for 2 weeks, although Neville was still struggling with some of the spells and charms he had come along way...everyone had. It was only the other day we were practicing stunning spells, of course Ron really thought he could our smart Hermione and beat her, everyone else knew otherwise though as the second Hermione yelled stupefy Ron was sent flying. He even went a bright shade of red, almost matching his hair.

The only issue had been the fact that Filch and Mrs Norris had been following us around at every opportunity, trying to catch us out. We had to be extra careful because the second we were caught Umbridge would reign hell and the entire plan would be in ruins. Filch had even gone as far as making himself comfortable with a sandwich as he sat and watched the wall in hopes of it materialising once more. However, Harry was one step ahead as we just simply went out of the side door as we desperately tried to muffle our laughter at Filch.

Although Filch had been unsuccessful in his extremely obvious mission to catch up out he still reported back to Umbridge with his concerns, Ginny and Luna had overheard him ranting to her just the other day which only meant we had to be even more careful now. She'd even gone as far as to make all student complete what I saw as an interrogative even if she dressed it up with that fake sweet smile. The questions weren't all that hard, I lied straight through my teeth perfectly. I think this only enraged her more as I shot the same sickly sweet smile back at her every few seconds, almost taunting her. But it was worth it.

I was just in the common room as I packed my bag up and got ready for another DA meeting when I saw Draco strut through the door with Goyle and Blaise.

Me and Draco have been fine these past 2 weeks however I couldn't help but feel guilty every time I looked at him, luckily I was good at lying but I still think he can see straight through me. We'd been doing the usual, we'd read in the common room, take walks, argue in potions and sit up in the astronomy tower at night. But recently I've been so busy with DA meetings I haven't really had time for him, which only made me feel even more guilty.

"Rose" He called from across the room
"Hey" I smiled.

Honestly the sight of him made my heart pound, I wanted to just forget the meeting right now and curl up on the sofa with him. But I couldn't.
He walked up to me and pulled me into a hug, I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him, breathing in the smell of mint and cologne, my skin tingling at the feeling it always gives me.

"Wanna spend some time together?" He smiled
This only made my heart ache more.
"I'd love to but I promised I'd meet Hermione"
"I feel like I've barely seen you though" He moaned
"I know" I said sadly, avoiding his gaze
"Everything's okay isn't it? He asked, worry in his tone.
"Yeah absolutely, I've just been busy with classes and homework" I lied "but I promise tomorrow I'm all yours" I smiled
"Perfect" He whispered as he brought his lips to mine.

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