Falling Into Place

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Rose's POV
My blue eyes fluttered open to the view of the sunlight beaming in through the windows, lighting up mine and Katherines dorm room beautifully. I gently closed my eyes once again as I felt peace wash over me. However my peace was disturb once I felt someone at the side of me nudge me gently. The smell of mint and cologne filled up the entire room, mixing with vanilla as I realised who was trying to stir me back awake.

"Wake up" I heard Draco whisper
"Another hour" I muttered as I turned back around, eyes still shut wanting to drift back into a blissful sleep.
"Your getting up now" Draco tried again
"Why, just let me sleep" I groaned against my pillow
"It's nice out, thought we could go for a walk, spend the day together" He said
"Later I need sleep" I muttered.

Once Draco didn't answer I nuzzled back into my pillow further thinking he'd gotten the message.

Of course he hadn't.

Suddenly, I felt my covers being dragged from me, letting the coldness of the dorm room hit my soft skin making my eyes open. Draco moved forward towards me as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Come on Rose"
"Draco why can't we just sleep in" I groaned
"I want to spent some quality time together" He smiled.

Once I didn't move and curled up even further into the bed, Draco huffed and began trying to take me up in his arms. I laughed at his frustration as I fought back, squirming out of his arms every time he went to grab me. His frustration soon melted into laughter as we both stood our ground. We were both extremely stubborn.

Draco waited before my guard was down as I tried to get my breath back from laughing too much, he seized his opportunity and tossed me up and over his shoulder as his laugh grew even louder.

"I win Nicholls"
"Put me down" I laughed
"We're going on a walk"
"Fine fine we're going on a walk now put me down"
"Okay Blondie" He laughed.

Draco put me back down to my feet, he smirked at me as he glowed from the fact he'd gotten his own way. Just like he had, I waited for Draco to lower his guard before I ran back towards my bed, but Draco was to fast for me and he soon took a few steps forward and picked me up bridal style in his arms.

"Are you done yet" He smiled
"Yes I'm done" I laughed.

I gave in to Draco finally and got ready for the day. He made his way back to his own dorm to get dressed and then I met him back in the common room when we were both changed and ready for the day.

"Looking as stunning as ever" He smirked as I walked into the common room
"And your looking as handsome as ever" I replied making him smile and try to hide his blushed cheeks with embarrassment.
"Don't hide yourself from me Draco Malfoy" I tease, prying his hands away from his face and kissing him gently on the lips.

We spent the morning walking around the grounds of Hogwarts, hand in hand as we talked about anything and everything...

"So your parents brought you up partly in the muggle world" He asked in disbelief
"Yes, even though there purebloods they didn't want me to think less of muggles or muggle borns, hence why I know so much about muggle music and books, films everything" I explained
"Try to refrain your disgust with the concept" I laughed
"It's not that, I just find it different. I was brought up with the belief to hate muggle borns, I don't really know anything different" He explained
"You can unlearn beliefs though, if you really want to" I smiled
"You reckon"
"Yeah of course"
"I mean I like the songs you sing..."
"Draco likes muggle music" I gasped jokingly
"Shut it you" He smirked.

Draco told me all about his travels, I was fascinated about the number of amazing countries and cities he'd visited. His face lit up when he spoke about it, which made my heart swell. He asked me about my singing once again as I told him more stories, he even listened as I told him some stories about me and Cedric growing up. It was nice to just spent some time with him, without any distractions or complications. Just him and me.

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