Crybaby x Ben part 15

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"Crybaby, wake up." Ben says as he shakes her

"Is the house on fire?" Crybaby mumbles

"No." Ben says

"Is anybody bleeding to the point where they might die?" Crybaby says

"No. Everyone's fine." Ben says

"Okay, good. That means I get to stay in this comfortable bed." Crybaby says as she pulls the covers over her head

"I made breakfast though. I thought you would be hungry. Sorry to wake you up this early." Ben says as he sits on the bed and watches her take the covers off her head

"What'd you make?" Crybaby asks

"Pancakes, sausage, bacon and biscuits. Oh, and scrambled eggs with a lot of cheese." Ben says as he fixes her hair

"I'm up." Crybaby says as she gets out of the covers and walks to the bathroom

"Food always wakes a household up." Angela says as she peeks her head through the door

"I took some bacon." Rudy says as he chews on the piece that he had in his hand

"How many did you take?" Ben asks as he watches his little brother look at his sister

"Like 4 pieces. I like bacon! It's a guilty pleasure of mine." Rudy says

"Yeah, but you complain about the pigs getting no love. Yet here you are eating bacon." Angela says as she pushes her little brother

"Woman, don't start." Rudy growls

"You two argue way too much." Ben says as he gives them a hug 

"We know." Rudy says as he sneers and walks out of the room

"Good morning my insane children." Doris says as she grabs a pancake and stuffs it in her mouth

"Good morning my insane mother." Rudy says as he smiles

"Don't push it." Doris says as she makes herself a cup of coffee

"I want some coffee." Rudy says

"Sweetie, you already have enough energy as it is. Coffee will only make it worse." Doris says as she checks her messages

"I drink it all the time. I need to stay awake in order to do my experiments." Rudy says

"If I give you a little cup of coffee, will you leave me alone?" Doris asks

"I promise." Rudy says

"Fine. Take small sips though." Doris says as she pours him a cup of coffee and gives it to him

"The sweet smell of coffee." Rudy says as he takes sips

"Good morning everybody." Oscar says as he walks in the kitchen and grabs an apple

"Dad, are you sober? Everybody check his stash and if he does have any type of alcohol. If he does, pour it in the toilet or down the sink. Everybody start searching." Rudy says

"Little boy, you're going to end up with a fat lip in a minute." Oscar says as he grabs his son's shirt and makes a fist

"Oh my God! I'm petrified! I'm going to be beaten senseless. Someone save me. Someone call the paramedics, the FBI, the police." Rudy says as he pretends to pass out

"Rudy, you'll end up in a real hospital if you don't stop." Ben says as he fails to hold in his laughter

"I'm cool." Rudy says as he sits on the couch and puts his feet up on the table

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