Crybaby x Ben part 6

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Ben and Crybaby took Angela and Rudy away from everything so they wouldn't do any damage to the neighborhood while they were testing out their powers.

"Okay Angela. Bring out that ice queen who wants to stab an icicle through my heart." Ben says as he stands back and watches his sister transform

"Well, well, well. Nice to see you again Benjamin. We're in the middle of the woods, which is a perfect place to bury a body." Crystal says as she snickers

"Don't kill me. I know I messed up Angela, and I feel terrible. When you first came around, she freaked out. I don't want her to be afraid anymore. I want her to embrace these powers. I want you two to listen to each other." Ben says as he slowly walks towards her

"I don't listen to anybody but me. Angela is a pretty sweet girl. She has some flaws, but don't we all? Why am I even here?" Crystal says as ice comes out of her hands

"I'm testing out you and Rudy's powers." Ben says

"Well, why didn't you just say that in the first place?" Crystal says as she puts her hands on her hips

"Because you've been so focused on killing me that you haven't really cared about anything else." Ben says

"I won't really be satisfied until I at least hear your screams of agony." Crystal says as she laughs

"Rudy, I'm going to blast fireballs at you, and you have to shield yourself. Are you ready?" Crybaby says

"I'm ready." Rudy says as he gets into position, listens to the sounds around him, and creates a rock for him to hide inside while the fireballs come at him

"Not bad. I'm not done yet." Crybaby says as she creates a big fireball and throws it his way while she watches him put up an earth wall

"He's good." Ben says as he looks at his brother's big smile

"Whoo hoo! I'm not terrible!" Rudy screams as he runs around and flails his arms

"Alright. Crystal, you're up." Ben says

"Fine. I guess I can put aside my schedule of killing you for one day." Crystal says as she makes crystal daggers and smirks

"I knew bringing up the dagger idea was a mistake." Angela says

"Give me all you got." Crystal says

"Alright. Here goes." Ben says as he throws fireballs at her and watches her dodge them quickly

"That's nothing." Crystal says as she jumps in the air, throws daggers in different directions and hits Crybaby and Ben, causing them to get pinned to the trees

"They'll get out of that soon!" Rudy screams

"You're next little boy." Crystal says as she drops down to the ground and creates a fog 

"I don't think so." Rudy says as he listens to his surroundings while his eyes turn completely white and the ground starts to shake

"That can't stop me." Crystal says as emerges from the fog and throws her icicle, but hits a wall that was protecting rudy

"Maybe this will." Rudy says as he stomps the ground with his heel and hits her in the gut with an earth column while watching her fall to the ground

"Rudy, stop!" Crybaby yells as she gets out of the daggers

"If you kill me, you'll kill your sister too. I'm sure you don't want to do that." Crystal says as she clears the fog and laughs menacingly

"You're dead inside though. My sister is nothing like that." Rudy says as he starts to sink Crystal into the earth

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