Crybaby x Ben

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Crybaby wakes up from a terrifying nightmare drenched in sweat. she goes to the bathroom to fix herself up. it's three in the morning and she's in the mood for a snack so she goes to the fridge for some milk and cookies.

Ben: "what are you doing?"

Crybaby almost drops the milk as she sees him lurking in the shadows

Crybaby: "I was getting a snack. I can't sleep."

Ben turns on the kitchen light and looks half awake

Crybaby stares at ben for a while. she loves how adorable and sweet he is. he rubs his eyes and gives her a worrisome look

Crybaby: "I'm fine. don't worry about me. I'll go back to sleep in a bit."

Ben: "well I'm gonna worry about you. I care about you too much not to worry about you."

she blushes a little and takes the milk and cookies to the couch

Crybaby: "hey thanks for everything you've done for me. I really don't deserve this."

Ben: "well with everything that's happened, I feel like i owe it to you."

they sit on the couch and eat some cookies. crybaby makes a mess everywhere but ben won't judge her. his mom always taught him not to judge a book by its cover. everyone has their flaws and crybaby had a lot but he was always gonna understand. he just had to be there for her whenever she needed him.

crybaby told ben about her life and what her family was like. he was a great listener. he never understood why crybaby was the way she was till she finally decided to open up to him

Ben: "look no one's family is perfect. look at mine. I was kinda the glue that held them together. I left them and look what happened. my parents don't get along as much, I have a younger sister who has a lot of rage issues and practically hates everything and everyone. I can't forget about my younger brother who believes he's a cartoon character who's great at science but he almost blows everything up."

crybaby laughs a little

Ben: "I love hearing you laugh and seeing you smile. seeing you upset or sad hurts me. I'll do everything I can to protect you. I promise."

Crybaby: "that's sweet. no one's ever treated me the way you do. well what was your life like before coming to the sleep-away school?"

Ben: "great I'm supposed to get like 8 hours of sleep and now you're gonna keep me awake."

Crybaby: "I'm sorry but i told you everything there is to know about my life. i think it's only fair if i know about yours."

Ben: "I hope we got a lot of cookies and milk cause it's gonna be a long night."

Ben goes in his drawers and pulls out a case of homemade tapes

Crybaby: "ohh what are those?"

Ben: "homemade tapes. my mom recorded practically everything I did till the sleep away school thing turned up. you have to hide everything in this house cause a lot goes missing around here."

he shows the tape of him at a soccer game when he was 9

Crybaby: "awwwwwww you were so adorable. look at those cubby little cheeks and your outfit!"

Ben: "okay okay! don't make a big deal out of it. I was adorable if i say so myself. I was the smallest one on the team but i did have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Crybaby: "like what?"

crybaby looks at the screen and sees him zigzagging between the players doing everything he can to keep the ball away

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