Crybaby x Ben part 32

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Ben closed his eyes and listened to the sound of heart monitors beeping all around him. Looking at the dry blood on his hands, he jumps up from his chair to see his mother standing over him with her hand rested on his shoulder.

"I heard what happened. Is she okay?" Doris asks, sitting next to him and wrapping her arms around him

"I don't know. They won't let me see her." Ben replied

"Where's your sister?" Doris asks

"I don't know and I don't care." Ben replied, glaring coldly at his mother

"I understand that you're upset with me, but don't look at me like that. What I did was wrong and I can't take it back, okay?" Doris sighs

"You could start by looking for your daughter and apologizing to her." Ben suggests

"It's too late to go out and look for her." Doris whines

"Mom, do you even know the magnitude of what your daughter went through, especially at school?" Ben asks

"She just told me she was being messed with by some Kmart looking girls at school, that's it. She doesn't exactly go into detail." Doris sighs

"Because of her, Crybaby is in the operating room fighting for her life. All of this happened because of all the crap she was going through and nobody took the time to listen to her." Ben growls

"Ben, I had a long night. I'm really not in the mood to talk about this right now, okay? I'm going to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Do you want anything?" Doris questions

"The only thing I want is for my girlfriend to be okay." Ben answers

"I'll be right back." Doris whispers, stroking his cheek before leaving the waiting room

The door swishes open and the rest of them walk in, taking a seat next to Ben.

"Hey, are you okay?" Mark asks, handing him a turkey and cheese sandwich

"Not really. Before you ask, I don't know where my sister is nor do I care." Ben tells him

"Listen, your girl is headstrong. She'll get through this." Mark tells him, laying his head on his shoulder

"What if she doesn't?" Ben asks

"Don't think like that." Mark whispered

"Wait, what are you doing here? I thought you had to work." Ben questions, a frown showing up on his face

"Oh, your little brother called me and asked if I could look after him for a few hours. I couldn't say no to the little guy." Mark smiles

"It took me years to talk to that girl and now that I finally have her, I feel like I'm already going to lose her. I almost killed my sister yesterday but Crybaby begged me not to." Ben says

"You really love that girl, don't you?" Mark asks, watching him nod

"With all my heart." Ben said, looking up to see his little brother standing over him

"Let's go have a little chat." Rudy suggests, pulling him outside

They put their backs against the wall and sit on the ground, looking up at the stars in the sky.

"Are you okay?" Ben asks

"I could ask you the same thing. I might not be a mind reader, but I know that look in your eye. It's the same look you had when you threatened dad with a knife. Ben, Angela's still in there. You just have to find a different approach on how to reach out to her." Rudy softly says

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