Crybaby x Ben part 27

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It was late in the evening and Ben walks into his mom's room to see her humming and curling her hair. She was wearing a long sleeved black top with a knee length white skirt and black stiletto heels.

"Where are you going?" Ben asks as he leans against the door

"I'm going out with a few of my co-workers. I don't want to show up to a bar in scrubs." Doris says

"Are you going on a date already? Dad just went to jail. Slow your roll." Rudy says as he walks into the room

"It's not a date. Stay out of my conversations. For the first time in a long time, I finally get to have some fun. You two don't need to worry about me. I'll be fine. Besides, your dad got what was coming to him." Doris says as she puts down the curling iron

"You're a single mom, which means that guys will be all up on you. We're not having that. Bring some pepper spray or something." Rudy says

"Rudy, if a guy does mess with her, you'll end up interrogating him until he dies of boredom." Ben says as he gets smacked

"I'm just worried about her, that's all. Dad sucked the life right out of her like the bloodsucking leech he is." Rudy says

"Boys, relax. I'm not ready to get into the dating scene yet. When that time comes, I'll let you know. Right now, I just want to have fun." Doris says

"Alright mom." Rudy says as he walks out of the room with his eyes glued to the floor

"Sweetie, I know your dad being gone hurts, but you'll have to learn how to adjust without him. I couldn't handle being his punching bag, and I wasn't going to let him lay a finger on you or your siblings again. He needed to be dealt with." Doris says as she hugs him from behind

"Just be careful, okay?" Ben tells her as she nods

"Look after them, and keep your cousin away from the sodas. The boy doesn't know how to sit down when he drinks them." Doris says as she grabs her purse and her keys before walking out the door

"So now what do we do?" Rudy asks as he flops face down on the couch

"We have ice cream in the freezer. We can drown ourselves in it till we feel sick." Ben says as he watches his little brother lift his head up and smile

"Now we're talking." Rudy says as he jumps over the couch and walks to the fridge

"We'll be fine without dad. Mom just wants us to be safe." Ben says as he hands him a spoon

"Yeah, I know. It's just that I'm used to people being in and out of my life. It's only a matter of time before you leave me again. You'll move on with your life and forget all about me and Angela. We'll be on our own again." Rudy says as he picks at his ice cream

"You think I'll abandon you again? Rudy, that won't happen. You and your sister mean too much to me. I can't forget about you two like you were never a part of my life." Ben says

"Well, what about going to college and getting married? You'll move out one day, and then what? Being abused made me push everybody away. It's like I fell into a dark hole that I couldn't get out of. I don't want to be alone. I can't handle it. I'll go insane." Rudy says as his eyes start to turn white

"Hey, relax. One day, that'll happen, but that doesn't mean that I won't be a part of your life anymore." Ben says as he holds his shaky hands and feels the ground shaking

"Rudy, it's okay. Just calm down. Dad's not here anymore. He can't hurt us." Angela says as she wraps her arms around him until he stops shaking

"He'll find a way out. He'll find us, and he'll hurt us until we're dead. I don't want to die." Rudy says as he starts to cry

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