Chapter 16 - MAE DAY

Start from the beginning

"On your right," they both called.

I continued to curse as I unwrapped a pregnancy test from the foil and had flash backs at the last time I had used one. I had been sick after a night out and when my period was late I used one. I had crossed my fingers tight hoping for negative but a little part of me had thought 'if I am it is tough' and that part was a little disappointed that I wasn't. Paul on the other hand had said I was trying to trap him and be more careful as he didn't want kids. We had argued as I said it takes two to tango... little did I know he was out tangoing with more than two behind my back and I was not the only one who had scared him that month with a pregnancy stick in the loo. All of that rolled through my mind as I angrily wee'd on the stick and visualised shoving up Rema's nostril. I popped the cap on, checked the egg timer thing was flashing and washed my hands. I stormed out of the bathroom with the offending object held high.

"Here," I said shoving it on the table.

"Did you hold it mid stream for 5 seconds?" Uncle asked as he lifted it to check the screen.

"Yes, and wee is wee. I am not pregnant and Lee doesn't have a magic willy that can impregnate women with one wave of it near them," I ranted.

"So you've seen his..."

"NO!" I growled. "Where the hell do you think we have had the chance to get preggers? At the hospital in the room with dying babies, in a lift full of doctors and sick patients or perhaps the canteen at the hospital whilst eating breakfast."

"Well it is somewhere as you are pregnant," Uncle said holding up the stick.

"No I'm not," I said snatching it back. Pregnant 3+ was on the display. I shook it like it was an etch-a-sketch and was going to erase.

"The HcG levels in your body are measured and this indicates you are over 3 weeks pregnant," he said.

"It's faulty," I replied.

"No it isn't. Right lets play a game where I will prove to you that I can make you forget something," he said.

"No I don't want to play anymore of your games. If I had played with Lee Graysons willy I would know about it as I would still be playing with it!" I snapped.

"See you find him attractive..."

"Who doesn't? He is gorgeous but since the day we met we have never been alone together and most definitely not had sex," I replied. "Pregnant... I would know if I was pregnant."

"Well you are so you can be as angry with me as you want but over 3 weeks ago you had sex with Lee Grayson," Rema said.

"I did not," I half yelled.

"What the hell is going on?" Bowdie asked bleary eyed as he appeared in the kitchen.

"She is carrying Lee's child," Rema replied.

"NO! I am not," I growled at her as I fixed her with a glare.

"Please keep your voices down," Bowdie whispered harshly and nodded to the babies who were both looking at everyone and looked scared.

"Here," Uncle said holding up the stupid test.

"I only wee'd on it because they keep on at me. I haven't had sex with Lee..."

"I know. Calm down," Bowdie said but instead I burst into angry tears. He put his arm around me and cuddled me to his chest. "Rema can you fetch Carla please and Uncle can you put the kettle on. We will have a drink, do another test and go from there."

"No, I am not pregnant. I haven't had sex in a year!" I cried.

"Shhh listen to me," he whispered. "Calm down as the babies are watching."

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