Chapter 18 - MAE DAY

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The words on the screen faded and there was my sister in her wedding dress, long blonde curls bouncing around her shoulders as she did a spin for the camera and giggled. The silk of the gown so simple it clung to her baby bump perfectly, pearl buttons down the back to her perfect butt. Even pregnant her bum was in shape. The shine in her golden hair so different to my brown locks and I noted with pride that she made Stephanie look like shit. My sister was naturally beautiful with an aurora that attracted everyone to her. She was a loving person and a real pleasure to be around.

"Shhh," she said to the camera capturing my attention entirely as she raised the hem of the dress to reveal the garter belt I had sent her as a gift. "Look Mae you are here with me," she beamed mischievously and there on her garter belt was picture of my face. "That will scare him later when he has to take it off with his teeth and ping it into the crowd," she laughed. "Well I can't be going down the aisle without my sister, can I? Plus you have blue eyes so you are my something blue and I am blue because you aren't here." Her eyes filled with tears and she rushed to dab them with a tissue. "Look at me getting all blubby and ruining my make up. It's the best day of my life and I don't get to share it with you. We have shared everything else, well not men," she said laughing through her tears. "But we've always been there for each other and whilst our parents don't give a shit about my wedding or pregnancy I know that you are happy for us. I just wish you could be here with me and I know you do too. I'll let you off today but when the babies come you will be at the birth. I want you there with me so when I scream in agony you can hold my hand as Glenn is a wimp, his dad reckons he will faint as he doesn't like blood, pain or medical things in general. He can dig up corpses with me but if he cuts himself he turns ash and has to sit down before he passes out. Remember I told you about how we met at that dig site and he looked up at me from a hole, checking out my legs in my shorts and cut himself of a trowel. Serves the pervert right but that was our first conversation, me administering first aid to his cut hand as he tried not to faint at the sight of his own blood. See you have to be there and I want to see your face when you hold the babies for the first time. I know even though they will be all squidgy up and funny looking, that you will fall madly in love with them the same as me. From that moment on it won't just be you and me anymore, it will be you, me, Glenn and the babies. One big happy family. We can even have a big family Christmas instead of me and you going to the pub for a meal and staying in there drinking all day overhearing others talk about their family Christmas. I'm going to buy a big tree, one that goes all the way to the ceiling and decorate it like the ones in those Christmas movies. I am buying loads of presents so the tree is surrounded and of course I will force the twins to sit with Santa and have a photo. I bet they'll cry and we'll laugh our asses off. My first Christmas as a married lady and a mummy, it is going to be perfect!" she said proudly.

I burst into tears knowing that she would never make it to Christmas so Uncle paused it. I had a good cry for a minute before reaching out to press it so I could see her again.

"What gossip did you want to share with your sister?" I heard Uncle say from behind the camera.

"I want to say that I think she would love you Uncle, even though everyone says you are grumpy I find you delightful," she said to him. "Quick get in the frame," she said as she pulled him into the picture and smiled. "This handsome devil is 'Uncle' and he is the best uncle we have ever had, well I know you haven't met him yet but what's mine is yours Mae, so look I've got us a new uncle and I love him," she said kissing him cheek hard and squashing his face with her hand.

I laughed as he squeezed my arm reassuringly.

"Oh and you know you love that Downton Abbey programme, well that is a council house compared to his castle... yes castle. Tell her it's a castle," she said and they both nodded into the camera. "We will have to invite ourselves to go stay with him one weekend and you can pretend to be posh," she teased. "I was going to get married there but in the end Glenn's mother insisted on having it here which is beautiful and I suppose very fitting for the occasion as it is his family home and I love this place too. It is so peaceful, you would love it Mae. So I'll get married here and you can get married at Uncle's."

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now