Chapter 60 - Mae Day

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"Hi Mae, welcome back," Lee's father said moving some tubes around that were attached to my skin.

"Ménages," I said to him.

"Pardon?" he said leaning in to hear better.

"Glenn... Ménages," I said my throat sticking together with thirst.

"Glenn said that?" he asked.

"Mmm," I replied my eyes too sore to keep open.

"You saw Glenn?" he asked.


"Stay awake Mae," he said lifting me forward to sitting. Just sitting forward made me breathless.

"Mae, you are going through a transition, it was necessary to save your life. This is Franco," Uncle said but I didn't look at who he was referring too as I was too busy trying not to fall to the side and out of bed. "Franco is what you might call a historian. He has been instrumental in bringing you back from the brink so to speak."

"Hello Mae, it is pleasure to meet you," the voice replied. He sounded Italian or was it Spanish... urgh my head was so hard to keep up.

I tried to clear my throat to speak back but it was impossible.

"Here we go," Uncle said passing me some water.

I waited for the sip it lecture but he didn't so I downed it in two seconds flat.

"Cook made you some eggs and bacon," he said putting a tray in front of me once my pillows were sorted out. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and tomatoes. My stomach nearly fainted with excitement. My hands were weak, heavy and attached to arms that felt like cooked spaghetti.

"Here let me help," he said passing me some toast, which I rammed down my throat. I had turned into a boa constrictor and swallowed the food nearly whole. My hands soon got to grips with snagging a slice of bacon and forks full of egg. I was in heaven. Guzzling orange juice, tea and could have ate another plate full but Uncle said I had enough for now.

My stomach fell into a happy coma as I lay there unable to move and just enjoying the feeling of my food baby nicely nestled in there. Oh how I had missed food. My thirst was no longer burning my throat and I knew I should get up and get washed but instead I lay there staring at nothing and was relieved when someone put the TV on for me and I could watch people washing their dirty linen in public on talk shows or decorating a room in an hour for £100. Afternoon TV was as hideous as ever... I had missed it.

"Where is Lee?" I asked Uncle when he returned to check on me.

"As much as he would love to be here with you, he has responsibilities elsewhere so has had to entrust you to me," Uncle replied.

"Lion stuff," I asked.

"I suppose you could call it that, in that most basic sense of the word," he said grinning.

"Where are the children?"

"They are with Lee's grandparents on a visit."

"I didn't think they were alive?" I said.

"Yes and whilst Lee is busy and you are recovering they have gone out of harms way for a few days to be fussed over."

"April doesn't want the children being passed around. As soon as I am well again I will take them."

"Take them where?" he asked frowning.

"Home, I'll find a..."

"You are married to Lee Grayson, you have a home with him so the children already have a home," he replied staring at me.

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin