Chapter 14: Score Set

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I grabbed Monica bridal style as she passed out after vomiting on the floor. With hearing first of Lizzie dying, it took a toll on Monica.

"Help, please!" I said.

The doctor called for an extra bed. And I gently laid Monica's body on the hospital bed and they ran off towards another room.

"We will take care of her Mr. Jackson, just wait here." He said.

I nodded my head. On the inside, I really felt like I needed to find Marcus. He killed a friend and coworker, then he threatens the woman who I am dreaming of spending my life with. I'm so pissed right now. I shouldn't be feeling this way but I'm falling in love with Monica.

I walked out the hospital and got back into the limo and drove to the office across town.

When I got there, everyone wanted to know what happened to Lizzie but i couldn't tell them right away. So I told everyone that there will be a brief meeting real soon and left to go into my office on the fourteenth floor.

When I got into the office, I sat there for a minute and cried. I was hurt for Monica because she been through so much and even the worst, her bestfriend had got killed. I had so much built up anger in me that I forgot where I was when I started crying. Now, my beautiful lover is in the hospital.

When I finally got myself together, I made a few phone calls. I needed to find Marcus and find out what happened to Lizzie. I felt like I needed to do this especially for Monica.

I got up, went to my personal fridge and grabbed a bottle of water then headed to my computer. I lucked up and found some information on Marcus. Yes a background check. And apparently he had a wife and other children plus there were other people who he has done this to. I'm shocked that this man didn't get killed by other girlfriends or anything. Wow.

I finally got the callback that I was waiting for.

Caller: "Hey Mike!"

Michael: "What's up! Man! What you got for me?"

Caller: "Okay, so the guy you was asking me about Marcus? He got a girlfriend on Cherry that he goes to every weekend. Then he comes back to the Apartments.. um the Gala."

Michael: "Yes that's him! And oh does he now. So what time would I be expecting him to be at either place? I wanna catch him at least to the middle."

Caller: " Well imma have to look more into his whereabouts but so far, that's what I got. And the girlfriend? Monica right?"

Michael: "How do you know that?"

Caller: "My homegirl works there. She said she filled out what information that she could. But she knew her name was Monica."

Michael:" Yes, that's her! But called me back if you find out anything else. Also call Kiwiz, I need some fire power, like a nine mil or something like that. I have a score to set."

Caller:"No problem bro, I'm on it. And hey! Let me know if you need me. You know I got you bro, on site!"

Michael: "Ight bet!"

*end of conversation.*
Four weeks later


I am just opening my eyes and when I looked around, I was expecting Michael to be here but instead its Marcus. What the fuck?

"Helllooo, baby!!" He said, "I been looking for you. Where have you been, I missed you."

"What are you doing here and how did you know I was here?" I asked.

"Ohhh my sugar plum. You leave a mark everywhere darling and word on the street was that you was here." He said.

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