Chapter. 21

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The only thing Niall could see was red.

He could literally feel the anger oozing out of his body. The red blotches on his face had already healed.

He cast his eyes upon Brad who had a look of both fear and worry on his face.

Niall felt it, he felt the power of the blood rage throughout his body. He felt the pull; it was pulling him into killing and spilling blood. It was almost like an insatiable hunger that wouldn't be quelled by anything except blood.

"Out now." Niall looked at Brad and pointed to the door of the bathroom, indicating that Brad should go back into the basement.

Without hesitation and against his will, Brad found his legs leading him to the room, Niall following behind.

"What the fuck is going on?" G2 who had been in the room all along asked when Niall walked in with Brad infront of him.

Niall's eyes glowed a bright red, casting a red hue in the room. "On your knees. Both of you."

Both of them, without question and without resistance, knelt down infront of Niall and bowed their heads.

"Command us, white wolf." They said at the same time.

Niall looked at them with nothing but disgust and anger on his face, the wolf in him wanted their blood immediately but it also wanted them to suffer before it could kill them.

"Kill each other," he looked them deep in the eye, one at a time, "slowly."

G2 was the first one to attack with a bite to Brad's neck and immediately Brad retaliated with a punch to the gut.

Before G2 could recover from the blow, the beta threw another punch landing on the Alpha's right cheek and that seemed to awaken G2's fighting wolf.

He pounced on the beta and threw him to the ground then he got on top of him and within seconds, Brad's face was covered in blood from the impact of the alpha's blows.

Niall stood to the side, watching with a smile on his face, completely un bothered by what was in front of him; he was infact enjoying it. The sight of blood was fulfilling to him, the blood rage had taken him over and he had no control of it.

After some time, Niall felt like cleaning himself up, so he turned to the two wolves and said,

"Shift repeatedly into your wolf form and back to human form, all the while breaking each and every bone in your bodies until I tell you to stop."

"Yes, white wolf." They both bowed their heads and seconds later, screams of pain were heard.

Niall stood by, looking at them shifting and suffering, with an expression that was far from bothered; all he could think of was blood, blood and more blood. He could have left them to continue beating each other into a pulp but he refrained, least one of them got killed, he figured he'd be the one to personally kill them while looking into their disgusting eyes.


After cleaning himself, Niall felt so much better than before, he had taken a long bath in the wonderful bathroom that was in the master bedroom - whoever owned the place was loaded- Niall had thought.

He then proceeded to dress up in the clothes he found in walk-in closet, glad to find that something that fit him perfectly; a pair of black jeans and a black jumper.

After dressing up, he went downstairs and fixed himself a sandwich, eating it slowly.

Halfway through his snack, Niall's sensitive ears picked up a sound, or more like sounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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