Chapter 5

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Back with the grieving families~ 

All of the parents were together, heartbroken thinking that their eggs were lost forever. Even a Chalicothere who although couldn't lay an egg but adopted one. 

Ellie was with her two children, waiting for the gang's returned as they watched the crying parents. 

Ethel began to run around in panic, which made the other parents panic. "We're never gonna see our eggs again!"

Brussel gave an annoyed look towards his mom and sister, mentioning. "And this is why I'm never going to become a parent"

"We got to build him that ship!" Ethel told the other parents. 

Ellie then came up to the grieving families. "I know you're worried about your families. I've been there" The female mammoth told the families, speaking from experience. 

"But my guys always come through" She vowed. 

Just then, everyone heard the bells ring which meant that the gang was back with the eggs. The parents were relieved as they were given their eggs back in thanks. 

"Special Delivery from your super-speedy egg delivery service at no extra charge" Brock said, acting like a postman while the Akids helped pass out the eggs to their rightful families. 

"Neither ice, nor more ice, nor dark of night, would keep us from returning every last egg" Sid proclaimed, coming down to give the final egg to Ethel. But surprisingly, it wasn't there. 

"Uh, Sid, we're all out" The Akids showed the sloth the basket that they had no more eggs. 

"Except yours" Sid told Ethel. 

"My egg's missing?" Ethel sounded like her heart was about to break. 

"But that doesn't make any sense" Ann said, looking over the map with Sid. 

"We found every egg on the map!" Sid added. 

"Maybe we miscounted?" David looked through the empty basket. 

"Oh, no. My poor little egg" Ethel began crying. "Never even got a chance to drive me crazy!"

Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of evil laughter and all looked up towards the top of the hill to see Squint up there. 

"Squint!" The Akids all glared at the evil pirate bunny. 

"You fools! Did you really think I put all my eggs in one basket?" Squint laughed, making Manny and the Akids all glare at him. 

"You have until sunrise to build me my ship, if you ever want to see your precious egg again!" He declared before leaving the scene. 

"Oh, no!" Ethel gasped and then fainted, landing on top of Sid and Brock. 

"We got to hurry if we're going to find the last egg in time" Teeders told the gang. 

"But it's one hour to sunrise" Diego realized. "We're not gonna make it" 

"Let's face it, we're done for!" Cynthia agreed with Diego, always being the first to give up. 

"We still got an hour" Sid said. "Our hour" 

"Hour hour? So that's two hours" Manny questioned. 

"Uhhh..." David now looked confused at his mammoth friend. 

"No, it's the hour that belongs to us!" Sid declared as he came up on top of a rock, looking like he was giving a historic speech. "Look, despite new evidence that suggests I should not work in child care. When we work together, we can fix any mistake I make!" 

"Sid's right. We can't give up until it's officially over" Kali declared, taking charge like the leader she was born to be. 

"You're right, Kali. And so is Sid" Manny agreed. 

"Let's make the most of what we got and do what we do best" Kali told her friends. 

"Yeah!" The Akids all cheered. 

"Look, we had a setback. Let's start over and get this done" Manny said.

The kids and animals all put their hands in a circle before one more unknown hand joined in their circle. The gang were confused until they looked a bit surprised to see that it was Squint's brother, Clint! 

"Count me in" The rabbit said. 

The Akids smiled, glad to welcome Clint aboard their team. Now the gang was ready to set their final plan into action... 

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