Chapter 6

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Early the next morning, the gang was all set to get their plan underway. Clint came to Squint and tried to talk some sense into his brother. It didn't work until Clint mentioned that the gang built him the ship. 

Squint came out eagerly wanting to see his new ship, which was his big mistake as it led into a surprise ambush by Manny, Sid, Diego, and the kids. Diego immediately pounced onto Squint and pinned the pirate rabbit to the ground, growling while the gang surrounded him. 

"It's over, Squint!" The Akids all glared. "Now where is that last egg?" The demanded. 

The malicious pirate rabbit laughed with a fiendish smirk. "If you think I'm gonna tell you where that egg is, you're nuts!"

But just then, the gang heard something that sounded like little feet scampering away and turned to see the egg, walking? That's until they had a second look, seeing that the egg had been painted to look like an acorn and was revealed to be Scrat the squirrel who was taking it away. 

"THE EGG!" Everyone cried out at once. 

This alerted Scrat as he now saw everyone charging at him. But the squirrel was quick and successfully dodged all of their moves. 

"He's getting away!" The twins, David, and Teeders cried. 

Kali then noticed a small puddle of water near Manny. 

"Manny!" The adventure girl called out to the mammoth, pointing at the puddle. 

Manny noticed the puddle of water in front of him and quickly sucked it up in his trunk. Aiming for the egg, he squirted the water which washed the paint colors off the egg leaving a confused Scrat to wonder why his acorn was no more. Disappointed, Scrat threw the egg away... over a cliff!

"NO!" Everyone cried. 

Kali, Sid, and the others immediately jumped off the cliff after the egg. 

"I got it! I got it!" Sid said, trying to catch the egg. 

"Watch out!" Cynthia cried. 

"My nest egg!" Squint cried jumping off the cliff, quickly followed by Diego, David, and Teeders. 

Everyone twisted and turned all over the place as they went sliding down a steep snowy covered hill. Sid caught the egg and tossed it over to Diego so Squint wouldn't grab it. 

"Head's up!" Diego soon passed the egg over to Cynthia next, then Cynthia passed it over to Teeders. 

Soon all of the Akids were tossing the egg around to each other, playing a difficult game of keep-away from Squint. 

"Your turn, Manny!" David called to the mammoth before tossing the egg again. 

Manny caught the egg next but Squint then quickly snatched it from him. The evil pirate bunny laughed as he was getting away with the egg. But what he didn't realize was the big rock he was heading straight for and crashed into it, sending the egg flying into the air. 

Ethel, who was down below and had been watching saw her egg fly into the air gasped, knowing that her egg would definitely become scrambled if someone didn't catch it. Sid and kids were helpless to do anything as the egg was out of their reach. 

Suddenly, Clint surprisingly came out of nowhere with a basket in a sled and flew off the cliff, catching the egg in his basket. 

"Got it!" He cried, before landing safely in the snowbank in the valley down below. 

The others quickly rejoined with the brown rabbit as he took the egg out from the basket. 

"Whoa ho ho! Did you see that! I got it!" The non-pirate bunny beamed, cheering for himself. 

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