Chapter 3

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Meanwhile, Brussel was out with Crash and Eddie working on the finishing touches on their prank for Peaches. They were spreading out what appeared to be some very sticky sap like glue on a log which led across a river, knowing that Peaches would eventually cross it and get stuck. 

"First pranking is a rite of passage for every possum" Eddie declared. 

"Peaches gets to be the first April fool in history" Crash said before sighing. "She's gonna be so happy" 

"This is going to be good!" Brussel laughed before then spotting his sister coming, warning the possum brothers. "Here she comes!"

The young mammoth and possums hid away, peaking out to see Peaches heading straight into their trap. 

"We're the best uncles ever!" Eddie whispered to Crash as the two brothers giggled. 

"Shh!" Brussel told them, waiting for their prank to set into action. 

Peaches began crossing the log while the mischievous young Brussel and possums giggled in secrecy. But Peaches ended up getting over to the other side with ease. Not even a signal scratch. Crash and Eddie came back down onto the log, confused to why that didn't work. It wasn't until then they realized they were now stuck in the glue as the log started to roll, dunking the possum brothers repeatedly in the cold river water below. 

"Stop it!" Crash told his brother. 

"You stop it!" Eddie glared back at his brother. 

Brussel rolled his eyes. "Come on you two. We're gonna have to try something else" 

Back with the others~

The Akids were hanging out, continuing to make preparations for the Easter feast when the twins started to wonder... 

"Do you think Sid's doing okay watching all of those eggs?" Brock asked. 

Ann seemed to hesitate before admitting. "I have my doubts"

"You want to go and check on him?" Brock asked his twin sister. 

"Sure" Ann nodded without a second thought. 

The twins walked down to Sid's place, where they found the ground sloth peacefully sound asleep in his cave. But then gasped and their eyes suddenly widened, as they stood there in great shock seeing that all of the eggs were gone. 

"Well, this situation has quickly become scrambled" Brock said to his twin sister. 

Just then, the twins heard a bunch of horrified gasps and slowly turned around to see Ethel and the other parents had just arrived, shocked to find their eggs not here. The twins sunk down in a bit of fear as they watched the angry parents all hover over the sleeping ground sloth. 

Sid soon woke up to see a mob of angry parents all up in his face. 

"Where are our eggs?!" Ethel demanded. 

Sid yelped, being startled before he got up with the twins by his side and looked to see that all the eggs he had been watching over were in fact missing. 

"Well, maybe it's senior ditch day" The sloth suggested. 

"How is that even accurately possible?" Ann muttered while facepalming in embarrassment. 

"Wow, they are deceptively quick for oblongs" Sid commented. "You close your eyes for one second and they wobble off" 

"You lost them!?" A glyptodon mother exclaimed to Sid. 

All of the parents were now enraged as they had trusted Sid with their eggs and he blew it... Again. The angry parents all surrounded Sid looking like they were about to turn him into a scrambled egg himself. 

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