Chapter 1

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In the Present World (waaaay long after that dumb asteroid came and destroyed all the dinosaurs, blah, blah, etc)~ 

The Adventure Kids were shown to be rushing about through the house, as today was Easter! The Akids couldn't be more excited as they were preparing to make this day perfect. 

Cynthia sighed to her friends while setting down some boxes. "Don't you just love Easter? All the pretty colors and decorations"

"Yeah," Teeders agreed, getting out some Easter baskets. "And of course the annual Easter egg hunt" 

"Don't forget seeing the Easter bunny! He's my favorite!" Ann said. 

"Meh" Brock shrugged his shoulders while standing next to his twin sister. The young adventure boy would much rather prefer his own little violent activities at the Easter picnic gatherings, such as throwing the eggs at unlucky targets (Cynthia most likely). 

David suddenly seemed to tense up at the mention of the Easter Bunny. He had a bit of a phobia for the legendary figure. He groaned slightly over the distressing memory. "The last time my mom took me to see the Easter Bunny, I wet myself... and the guy in the suit" 

The gang just blinked at their friend, usually finding him and his stories weird. 

"David, might I ask, how old were you when this happened?" Brock asked. 

David cleared his throat before saying quietly with his head hung in a bit of embarrassment. "14..." 

The rest of the gang rolled their eyes at David before getting back to preparing for the annual Easter gathering. 

Teeders then had something she remembered pop into her head, beaming at her friends. "Hey, have you guys heard from the Ice Age gang recently?" She asked. 

"Oh, yes!" Kali beamed, now remembering. "Last time we were there they invited us to come back to celebrate Easter with them"

"They said they were going to have a big feast" David mentioned. 

"Then we should go!" Teeders suggested. 

"Already on it!" Kali said, holding out her crystal. 

"Yaaaay!" The twins cheered. 

"I'll bet they're going to need moi's help in setting everything up for the feast" Cynthia mentioned boastfully. 

The gang gathered around like they always did, and Kali soon opened the time portal with her magic portal and they all jumped through. In the blink of an eye, the gang was back in the Ice Age and did it ever look so beautiful this time of year. You get that feeling and the smell of the start of Spring in the air, and everywhere you looked there was new life. 

"Wow!" The kids awed, seeing all the animals busy at work decorating the whole valley for Easter. 

Brock then realized something strange. "I said it once, I'll say it again. How can the ice age be celebrating Easter if this happened before the-" 

Kali immediately slapped her hand over her brother's mouth, shutting him up while the others all gave him warning looks. 

"Now don't you start that again" The lead adventure girl gave a very threatening look to her brother which got him to keep his mouth shut for good. 

The gang then spotted Ellie along with her two kids, Peaches and Brussel, carrying baskets with food for the feast. 

"Ellie! Hey, guys!" They called out getting their attention. 

The mammoth family turned, seeing the Akids waving at them. 

"Kids!" Ellie smiled, coming over to greet them. "It's good to see you all"

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