'I'm here to pick you up. Ready?'

Shigu nods to confirm. Then he turned back to his colleagues and introduce Haoting to them, 'This is Xiang Hao Ting, my boyfriend.'

Haoting nods his head and smiles to them at the introduction, 'Hi, I'm here to pick up Shigu. Hope I'm not disturbing your breakfast.' 

'No! Not at all! How about joining us for breakfast?', one of the girl offers. 

Haoting took a glance at Shigu and replied, 'I'd love to but we have plans today. Maybe next time.' 

Some of these days, he can tell what Shigu is feeling by gauging his expressions and body languages. It is not expressive enough for outsider to guess but it is enough for Haoting to catch it. 

Haoting helped Shigu to put his stuff in the small backpack, mostly his papers. Then he took the bag from Shigu, carrying it in his left hand. They said good bye and walked away. 

Haoting took Shigu hand into his right hand, intertwining them. Shigu is oblivious to the attention they are getting. He happily chat with Haoting. His colleagues follows their interactions with their eyes, sipping their coffee. 

'Damn, he's hot!' 

'Company Dinner?'

'Yes. I got you this jacket, why don't you try it on? It will start quite early actually so we need to go directly to the hotel.' Haoting pointed to the jacket at the back seat. 

Shigu put it on and flaps his arms. It is a little bit long. 'I look funny' Shigu commented. 

Haoting chuckled. He already selected the smallest size. The size looks fine, just the arm is a bit longer. He can fold that part. 

He pulled over the car on the way down from the mountain, stopping at the side of the road. Shigu looks at him confusingly. 'Why are we stopping?'

'You haven't give me my greeting kiss.' 

He took of his seat-belt and lean closer. Shigu face is blushed to his ears. He drops a quick peck. Just 2 weeks away and he is feeling shy again. Haoting looks stunning in his attire. His hair looks nice too. Who allowed him to be this good so early in the morning.  

Haoting enjoyed seeing the flustered Shigu. There is a hint of jealously from this morning too, he is feeling jealous when his colleague asked Haoting to join them for breakfast. 

He pulled Shigu's nape and nibbled on his lips. Shigu reacted by pulling the front of his jacket closer. Haoting deepen the kiss, seeking an entrance and licking the bottom lips. Sweet. 

They arrived at the hotel, greeted by a familiar face. 

'Welcome to Y Hotel Mr Xiangs!' Yu Hao enthusiastically welcome them as a member of the banquet team. 'Looking lovey dovey as always!'

A/N: Yu Hao is now working in a luxury hotel in F&B Banquet department.

Haoting grinned while carrying two bags in in one hand. Another hold Shigu firmly on his waist. 

Yu Hao take another look at Shigu and raised his brow at Haoting. Shigu face is flushed, and his eyes is dreamy. A light hickey can be see incompletely near his collarbone. Haoting winks proudly. 

Yu Hao chuckled. He assisted them with the room change, asking a favour from the reception to put them in a room with nicer view and higher floor, not to mention lesser people on the 27th floor to be affected from any possible sound disturbances. It's his way of thanking Haoting for being an efficient guard dog for his boyfriend whenever he was away back in university. 

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