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Narrator; Once they got home Tyler went to her room and laid on her bed. Then 20 minutes later she got a text message.

The Text:
Bray: Aye meet me at the store I dropped you off at. And don't text me back saying you can't. I'm not taking no for answer. Cause I will find your cute ass. 😘

Tyler's Pov.
-He wants me to meet him somewhere. I don't trust him and there is no way my dad is gonna let me leave at 10. Maybe I can ask to go to the movies. Yeah that's what imma do but Gonna want Eva to come. -

Narrator; Tyler went to ask her dad if they could go to the movies and he was fine with it but he wanted them back at 12 and he also wanted them to bring a weapon. Which Tyler was not okay with so she put a pocket knife in her sock and Eva put a gun in her pants, under her shirt. Then as Eva was getting ready she texted Bray back.

The text:
Tyler: I'm bringing my sister if that's okay.
Bray: Yeah that's fine.
Tyler: I will be there in 10 minutes

Narrator; After Tyler got ready, her and Eva started walking to the store and Tyler seen Bray's car and he got out with two other people.

Eva: That's him?
Bray: Yes, it's me.
Tyler: Hey Bray.
Bray: Hey Babe.
Eva: Babe?
Bray: Yeah, come on.
-Bray grabs Tyler hand and they get in the car and goes to this weird looking house.-
Eva: Where are we?
Bray: Brothers house.

-They got out the car and went in the house where there was half naked girls dancing around and it smelled like weed-
Bray: Whats your sisters name.
Tyler: Eva
Bray: Okay stay here I will be right back.

-Bray went to Eva and they started talking and a man took Eva by the hand. And they walked away-

Tyler: Hey where are you going.
Eva: I wanna get high.
Tyler: high? We don't do that.
Eva: First time for everything.
Bray: Hey she will be alright. Come with me.
Tyler: Where are you taking me?
Bray: My room.

-They walked upstairs to his room and sat on his bed.-
Bray: I want you to be my girlfriend.
Tyler: Why?
Bray: Your beautiful and I like you a lot.
Tyler: You don't even know me.
Bray: Well then let me get to know you.
(He started rolling up a blunt)
Tyler: So you smoke weed?
Bray: Is that a problem?
Tyler: Never really had it before so I don't know.
(Bray light the blunt)
Bray: Here.
(He put it in her mouth and she inhale then started to cough)
Bray: You good Ma?
Tyler: Yeah
(Bray laughed and they talked and smoked the weed)

{After 30 minutes}

Tyler: Am I supposed to feel like this?
Bray: How do you feel baby?
Tyler: Like I can do anything in the world.
(Bray laughed)
Bray: What I gotta do to get you to be mines?
Tyler: Why you want me so bad?
Bray: Its something about you. I gotta have you.
Tyler: Then I guess I'm yours Huh?
Bray: Yeah baby you mines... Come here.
(Tyler sits on Bray's lap and he kissed her)
Tyler: Come on. Let's go party.

Narrator; They left out his room and Tyler seen Eva on top of a table and she got the table with her and started dancing with her. After a while of dancing a guy was licking down Eva belly, taking shots and Tyler and Bray was making out and he started grabbing on her ass when some girl bump into Tyler and she Turned around and said "Your cute" "Thank you so are you" the girl said back. "Yall should kiss" Some guy said. "Is that okay Bray" Tyler asked. "Go ahead babe" He answered. So Tyler and the girl named Bandy started making and feeling on each other. And while they was dancing and drinking Bray was with his boys getting high and Eva was Sniffing Coo Coo. Then Tyler stopped what she was doing and looked at the time and grabbed Eva and Told Bray that they was late. But she could see he was too high to drive anywhere and so was Eva and she was to drunk to even remember where she lived but she knew if they didn't get home soon their father was gonna kill people to find them. Finally at 2 they father got worried and used a gps on his phone to find the girls and when he got to the house he was beyond mad and they didn't talk the whole ride home but when they got home....

Tyler: I can't believe you, we was having fun for once in our lives and you fucked it up just like that.
Joe: Who the fuck are you talking to like that and stop that cussing. Look at your sister, high and drunk.
Tyler: I didn't do that! She did that to her self.
Joe: I knew you was trouble the day you was born. No child of mine would act this way.
Tyler: What you Trynna say?
Joe: I loved your mother and that's the only reason why I'm taking care of you still.
Tyler: Are you saying you not my Dad!
Joe: Tyler. No, it's not like that. How about you get some sleep and we talk about this in the morning.

-Tyler walked out the house-

Joe: Tyler please, you can get hurt.
Tyler: I know how to use a gun thanks to you. I can take care of myself.

-Tyler got in her Dads car and went to Brays house and asked if she could stay there for a while and he didn't have a problem with it at all-

Did i kill him?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin