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When Tyler made it home her dad was very upset."Where have you been?" He asked her."Im sorry dad, I should have called you." Tyler knew she couldnt tell her dad that she was in East Warren and some man shot at her and she got in a car with a stranger, that would take away her freedom that she just got."I was still at work, some patients came in late" She lied."Next time call me i would have picked you up go to your room and get some rest". He said and she started going up the stairs and into her room."So where where you" A voice said from the hallway."If I tell you, you gotta promise me you wont tell dad." "Alright bet gimme the dirt" The young lady walked into Tyler's room... It was Eva, Tyler's older and only sister. The only preson she could trust after their mom past away when they were 9 and their dad became strict. Eva was the opposite of Tyler... Tyler had that cute and innocent attitude and Eva had that I dont give a fuck attitude. But it seem like they didnt care because deep down Tyler knew her sister had a nice side and Eva knew her sister had a mean side.

Eva:So im waiting...

Tyler:I was in East Warren


{Eva yell}

Tyler: Eva dont be so loud. If dad find out you know he wont let me do nothing.

Eva:You right, you right. so how you make it home so fast.

{The girls lived in Southfied}

Tyler:A boy.


{Eva straight face her}


Eva:Where not allowed to hang around boys, especially not from East Warren

Tyler:Chill Eva rules are ment to be broken.. He told me to call him.

Eva:Are you forreal. Dad gave us rules so we can be safe. And you better not call him.

Tyler:How are we supposed too learn from our mistakes. If we dont make none? and why not he is so fine. He light skin and girl he got some sexy eyes.

Eva:I dont like him.

Tyler:But you dont know him.

Eva:And you dont neither.

Tyler:But im gonna get to know him.

Eva:Hes trouble and so are you... I might kill him if he hurt you.

{Tyler laughs}

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