The Call

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once Eva left her sister room, Tyler laid in her bed with her phone in her hand.should I call him? Tyler thought to her self.Nah im just gonna text him. And thats what she did. she texted Bray that she was home and it only took him a min to text back that he would call her when he get home and its good she made it. And she sit in her room waiting for a call she knew she wasnt gonna get. Then her dad and Eva came in her room."Were going to yall auntie house after school" Their dad said."For what?" Tyler asked."We are going shooting again" Eva said to her sister then walk away. Eva love danger, she wasnt scared of anything but Tyler on the other hand hated to see a gun and hate to even hold a gun. But her dad wanted the girls to know how to protect theirself but Tyler didnt wanna hurt nobody."It will be fine baby girl" Her dad said as he walked away... And when Tylers phone started to ring he walked back in her room."Who ever that is tell them its to late to be calling you and go to bed Tyler" Her dad said as he walked to Eva room.


Bray:Hey how you doing?

Tyler:Im okay. What about you?

Bray:Im good now that im talking to you. but i gotta ask, are you single?

{Tyler laughs}

Tyler:Yeah are you?

Bray: Yes and you way to pretty to be single.

Tyler:And you way to cute to be single. why are you anyway?

Bray:Im searching for her, the right one.

Tyler:Oh. I understand.

Bray:You ready for another one?

Tyler:Another what?


Tyler:Yeah, when i find the right one i guess.

Bray:Thats wassup. You got any brothers or sister?

Tyler:I have one sister... she doesnt like you.

Bray:Why because im from East Warren?

Tyler:Yes, she said she would kill you if you hurt me.

Bray:Theres no need for that.

Tyler:We will see...

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