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  ariana, calum and nova all sat in the hospital room quietly

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  ariana, calum and nova all sat in the hospital room quietly. ariana laying down in the bed, throat on fire and tears in her eyes. "nova, we have to go." she whispered. nova just sighed and held onto her best friends hands. "nothing's gonna happen, there's camera's everywhere, plus calum's here." she said.

the two girls looked over and saw calum on the phone talking.

"look, i'll be there in a few hours. i can't talk right now i'm with someone. yes, michael i'm with her. that doesn't matter—i've gotta go." calum had been arguing on the phone for a while with different people.

cameras had caught him walking out with ariana in his arms and everyone was going crazy.

"something more important than the girl you dragged all the way here?" nova said.

"it was the guys, they're saying people got pictures of us walking out." calum said.

"pictures?" ariana whispered shouted. she felt her chest tighten up and tears stream down her face. "i don't understand why you're both so scared? it's not like anything is gonna happen to you." calum sighed.

"the more you speak, the easier it is for me to hate you." nova said.

"we're not allowed to go outside of the cascade health system. we have special doctors that treat us and if ricky finds out we're here, he won't like it." nova said.

"how could he be upset? someone beat you guys up and ariana's throat is literally bruised from the inside." calum said.

"that's just how he is." nova said. calum sat in the chair next to ariana and held her hand in his. "well i'll take the blame if he gets upset, i wasn't gonna leave you there like that." ariana gave a weak smile as calum kissed her forehead.

just as nova rolled her eyes, her phone began to rang. when she looked, her eyes went wide. "it's ricky." she said. nova got up and answered the phone leaving ariana and calum alone.

"so, i know this wasn't what you expected when i came over, but there's something i want to talk to you about." calum said. ariana just furrowed her brows. "i wanted to say i'm sorry for blowing up at you earlier. i wasn't expecting you to kiss me, and i meant what i said about not wanting to open myself up."

"i just really like you." ariana admitted. "i don't know why? you've probably meant tons of guys that are way more handsome and richer than me." calum blushed. "i don't care about money or looks." ariana said as she held his hand against her chest.

"you're so sweet and funny, you've taken the time to just listen to me rather than just have sex. although, i wouldn't be opposed to that." ariana said making him chuckle. "but i know you don't want to be in a relationship." ariana pouted.

"i think my mind can be changed." calum said. ariana quickly sat up in bed with a smile on her face. "really?" she asked. her fast movements caused her to start coughing again so she laid back down and took a sip of water.

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