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"come on cal, you've gotta get up eventually

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"come on cal, you've gotta get up eventually." michael said. calum had been glued to his mattress and comforter for three days since nia left. he'd tried calling her, texting her, email and even went to her and rena's apartment. sadly, he was drunk, and the doorman wouldn't let him up, so he had to walk back in the rain with a hangover. it wasn't pretty.

"i don't want to get up. i just wanna stay in bed." calum murmured. he just covered his head with the sheets. "calum, wallowing in bed is not going to make you feel any better about what's happened. you need some fresh air and sunlight." ashton said. he walked over to calum's window and opened the blinds, only causing calum to groan in annoyance and agony at the bright light hitting his face.

"let's just go for a walk, we can go to the park or something." luke said. "does it look like i wanna walk through a fucking park?" calum snapped. "i'm not a fucking dog, i just broke up with the girl i thought i was gonna marry one day." all three of his best friends sighed. "okay well, we still need you to come and write today." michael said sternly. calum just scoffed and turned away from the three boys.

"calum, you still have a job to do." michael said. calum threw the covers back in anger as she got out of bed and faced his friends. they all tried to remain stern as the smell of calum's b.o hit them like a ton of bricks. "you all have some fucking nerve coming in here and demanding i get out of bed. i just got dumped by my girlfriend. all three of you know what's that like." calum spat.

"i didn't remind you of your fucking job mike when you and crystal lost the baby did i?" michael looked away from his friend. he couldn't say anything because it still hurt. "or suggest that you go on a walk when you and arzaylea were going through one of your many toxic ass fights, did i luke?" calum said.

"no, i guess-"

"and i didn't barge into your room when you wanted to be left alone when you find out about bryana's baby did i ash?" calum said. all three boys looked at each other, not knowing what to do about their best friend in pain. "we get it cal, you didn't push us when we were at our lowest, but don't bring up that shit." ashton said.

"right, because even though you all moved on, that shit still fucking hurts. i'm still fucking hurting and it's barely been 72 hours." calum yelled.

"mate, we just don't want you to spiral again." michael said. when calum's father died, he was on bender after bender for almost three months. there wasn't a day he was sober, and it almost cost him his life.

"exactly, so leave me the fuck alone." calum said. before he could go back to seeking solace in his dirty covers, ashton grabbed his arm. "cal, we just want what's best for you. this isn't the first time you've majorly shut down. it takes you forever to get your groove back, and while we're understanding of your pain, we don't have time to waste like that." ashton said.

calum pulled away from ashton, crawled back in bed and covered himself up with blankets once more. the rest of the five sauce boys knew there was no getting through to their band mate, so they left without another word. calum turned once he heard the door shut. he knew he crossed a line bringing up some of the hurtful and traumatic experiences his friends had went through, especially ashton and michael.

but they all knew how special nia was, not to mention how much she meant to calum. it was the first real relationship he actively pursued, and for their almost 3 year relationship to end that way, made calum feel helpless. there was nothing he could do to make her love him the same way again, let alone get back together with him.

almost a week had passed by before even calum couldn't stand his smell, and got out of bed to shower and wash his sheets. as he waited for his things to finish, he made an attempt at participating in life and went to sit with his roommate and other best friend roy.

roy of course was high as a kite as he strummed away on his guitar. "look who rises from the dead." his friend teased. roy was definitely one of those white hipster hippie guys, and calum loved that about him. he was so calm, cool and collective, and when he wasn't strung out of psychedelics, he was actually a very intellectual person.

"so, what combination of narcotics are you on today?" calum said as he lit a cigarette. "ecstasy, lsd and shrooms." roy said, proud as ever. "your favorite concoction." calum chuckled. "and, i didn't have a seizure this time." the first time roy tried all those drugs, he did one too many of each and ended up not only passing out for 3 days, but had a seizure and had went into a coma once he got to the hospital for 4 more.

he said it was one of the most eye opening experience of his life, but all drug addicts say that when they use those particular variety of pills.

"i'm glad buddy." calum said. "so, your old lady kicked you the curb finally?" roy said. "finally?" calum asked, furrowing his brows. "you must forget i live here too. she tells me everything, she's been trying to break up with you for weeks." roy admitted.

"gee thanks." calum said annoyed. "listen cal, you've been my friend for a while now, and as your friend, it's my job to tell you, you need to get over nia, by getting under someone else." roy said. "is sex all you think about?" calum asked.

"besides drugs, yes." roy said with a smile. calum rolled his eyes, sighing as his cigarette was at its last stride. "i don't want to have sex with anyone other than nia." calum said. "you wouldn't be having sex with just anyone, you'd be fucking a professional." roy said.

"a professional?" calum asked. "a prostitute." roy had the biggest smile on his face. "i believe they like to be called sex workers mate, and you're fucking insane." calum said. "no, i'm high." calum rolled his eyes as he heard the dryer stop. "look, there's this place in east l.a. called the cascade. it's the best place to go to get over someone, and i know the perfect girl for you." roy exclaimed.

"i'm done having this conversation." calum said.

"just think about it." roy shouted as calum walked away. calum cleaned up his room, opened the blinds and sat in bed, pondering on probably the weirdest conversation he'd ever had with roy, and to say that, was saying a lot.

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