Mortis Pt2

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     Anakin couldn't stare at her anymore. He got up and joined Obi Wan in the cockpit. They had made it into space, but the communication was still down. 

Obi Wan acknowledged Anakin as he sat down beside him. He had a tear stained face and red puffy eyes. The two sat in complete silence.

Obi Wan decided to break the silence, " Do," he paused briefly, " do you want to talk about it?"

Anakin felt a huge lump in his throat. Thinking about Ahsoka made him sad and angry at the same time. " No. Not right now." he was able to choke out.

Sighing, Obi Wan went back into staring at the stars that were scattered across the cold harsh black of space. The stars reminded him of Ahsoka. She was always the brightest light even in the darkest times.

" I heard it's supposed to rain for a whole week when we get back to Coruscant." he tried to start a conversation with his devastated apprentice.

" Great." he simply said with an emotionless tone. " Ahsoka loved the rain." he added after a moment. " I remember I promised to spare with her, but the minute we got outside it started pouring. "

" That was before it started raining."

Ahsoka crossed her arms in annoyance. " So, it's nice weather. Come on Skyguy. All the other rooms inside are full, plus you promised."  she reached out from the covered area they were under and splashed him with rain water.

" Not now Ahsoka."

" What? Afraid your gonna lose to your padawan again?" she teased knowing that it make him defend himself.

" Snips, how many times do I have to tell you, that match did not count. I was sick!" 

" Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself Master." she said walking past him back indoors.

"Fine, one match." he started to take off his Jedi cloak. Ahsoka grinned realizing she had won the argument.

Anakin smiled at the memory. " We were drenched when we came back in."

" Oh I remember, Ahsoka ran up and gave me a big wet hug." Obi Wan reflected.

The master and apprentice swapped back story after story until a hologram of Rex appeared on the holotransmitter.

" We lost you there for a moment Generals." Rex apologized. He could see the seats in the cockpit and noticed that one person was missing. " Wheres Commander Tano?"

" She's resting Rex. She's finally resting." Anakin replied dolefully.

Alright, here's part 2 for those who wanted it. Enjoy!

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