Part 5

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This is super late I'm so sorry please let me know if y'all are interested in this story at all anymore. I've got plans for it but !! Idk if y'all still want it . Also I did actual research for this chapter which was kinda fun. Also?,,, this is literally like months late I'm so sorry. I have not been doing too hot but I'm doing better now

You awoke the next morning with a killer headache and choppy memories.

Dom sat in the living room, on the couch. To your surprise, Abstract was there with him, showing him something on his computer. He moved a finger around in front of the screen, and Dominic pointed to something else. You couldn't quite make out what it was, just that they were some sort of files.

"Yeo, look who's up!" Kevin sent you a lazy smile before turning back to his computer, scrolling down a list of files.

"Hey babydoll, uhhh fuck how do I say this. Ummmm... this is going to come out of nowhere but..." you watched as Dominic struggled with his words. You didn't have a single clue what this could be about. But then again, did you ever with Dominic?

"Dom got contacted by a label and they want him to fly out to go over some shit. My mans getting signed," Kevin slapped Dominics back, maybe a bit too harshly, and Dom just laughed, flashing you a wide grin, the sound of his chuckles rattling around in his hollow sounding chest. The man was ecstatic. You remembered hearing his voice playing through car speakers on night drives, and you remembered him being amazing, but you would've never thought something so big would happen so quickly, right under your nose, without you having a clue. Despite your shock, you were excited with Dom as well.

"Holy shit no fucking way!" You jumped up and down in place before jumping over the top of the couch to knock Dom into a hug. He laughed and held you by the waist as you collapsed on top of him, landing you both on the floor.

"Alright bet. Y'all just gonna leave me out of it. Cool," Kevin joked behind you, but you were too busy laughing with Dom to care. You sat up, still straddling his waist, and put your hands on his chest.

"This is so fucking huge. You're gonna be famous!" You yelled down at him, shaking his shoulders. He smiled up at you and slipped his hand behind your neck, pulling you down into a sudden and unexpected kiss.

You kissed back without hesitation, enjoying the moment now that you two had already sort of discussed it. You knew he had feelings for you, and you did for him. It was a nice moment.

"So nobody was gonna tell me this was a thing?" Kevin chimed in behind you, cursing about how he was always left for last. Dom made some joke about it not even being official yet, but you didn't really hear him. You were too distracted by his glimmering eyes, his eyelashes fluttering and making a shadow, making his bags look slightly darker than they really were. You looked at the spots on his face, his freckles placed perfectly all over, little kisses from the sun for the creators perfect creation. His plump lips curled up into a smile as he looked over at Kevin, and his laugh made his eyes squeeze almost shut.  You sat perched on top of him on the floor as his conversation with Kevin progressed. They talked about buying the plane tickets to fly out to New York to the record company, booking a hotel, and what clubs they would hit up once they were there. You rolled your eyes at that and smiled. Of course they were thinking of where to party and not the more important things, like what their budget would be for all of this, and how they would go about working on music after.

"Have you guys gone over the contract?" you asked, chiming in while they got hyped up about parties and booze and where the fuck they would get their weed from in New York. (Kevins cousin had a guy).

"Uhhh yeah we skimmed over it," Dominic shrugged and ran his hands up and down the sides of your body, stopping to tap a beat into your hips with his fingers. You glanced over at Kevin with wide eyes, hoping he had thought to do more than just skim it.

Good time lovin'- Dominic FikeWhere stories live. Discover now