Part 4

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       Not sure if finishing this story is even worth it at this point:-/  anyways suggestive themes ahead pls comment if u read I feel so unmotivated lmao

       Dom pulled you into his chest as Kevin and his boyfriend continued to argue. He rest his head on top of yours, bringing his hand up to your head and holding you close.

       "I got you babydoll. You're safe," he whispered into your ear, and you felt him move his head off of you so he could listen in on Kevin's ongoing conversation. You looked up at him, and noticed a splatter of blood on his jaw. Had he hurt Peter that badly?

          "I don't like this," you said, getting nauseous. He looked down at you as your eyes shifted all over the room rapidly, you pushed off of him lightly.

          "What do you mean?" He questioned, still holding you to him, but loosening his grip so you had space to move if you wanted to.

            "All this. It's too much. I'm freaking out, maybe I'm just too drunk," your breathing started to pick up in pace again. Were you about to have another panic attack? Why? You were safe now, right?
              "You hurt him so bad. What if he gets angry. He's gonna come back for me. For you. You just kept hitting and hitting and hitting. There's so much blood. You have blood on you. What stops you from snapping and getting mad at me and hurting me?" The alcohol was getting to you. You wished you wouldn't have drank so much, because all you needed in this situation was a clear head. The circumstances were horrible at the moment. You flinched as soon as the words left your mouth, freaking out about the fact you just suggested Dom would abuse you. Your intoxicated brain was too confused to react accordingly, and instead you just panicked more, fearing you had made Dom upset.

        He wasn't upset, of course. That was a very valid concern you had, and he would never make you feel bad for having fears and anxieties, especially after all you had been through with your ex. Did it sting a little to think you didn't feel completely safe with him? Yes, but he knew that wasn't your fault, and if anything, it was his.

       "We have to talk," he meant to calm you down, but his words only stressed you more. He had to be mad now. Right? You began sobbing uncontrollably, your breath too far gone to catch.

       "Calm down mamas, you're okay. We're okay. Sit with me," he took a seat on the now empty couch. Everyone had been cleared out of the living room. You could hear some people outside and could hear what sounded like Peter angry crying nearby. You walked in front of  Dom and he patted his thigh, inviting you to sit on it. You did, but put your face in your hands and sobbed. He put one arm around your waist and pulled you close.

"I'm not here to argue with you princess, calm down. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done what I did. It was wrong. I'm not trying to excuse my actions, but I need you to know that I was just scared. I was so scared that he was gonna hurt you bro. I'm so sorry angel," Dominic stated at you and you began to calm down. You nodded your head and sniffled. You felt like this was all your fault in a sense. It was because of you that the whole scene had even happened in the first place right? Because you left Peter? Because you didn't stick by Dom's side? It was all your fault, right?

" It's not your fault babydoll, so I better not hear any of that. I would do it again ten times over if it meant I kept u safe," Dom whispered in ur ear. He had read your mind. It tickled, and filled you with a sense of warmth you hadn't felt in years. This was where you belonged. This was home. This was the place you could stay and never feel alone or lost. Right here in Dom's arms.

"You wouldn't hurt me right Dom?" You asked, and cringed as the words left your mouth. Maybe he would take offense to them. Peter would. He had. And then he had gone and hurt you. Maybe it was an insensitive question to ask somebody.

Good time lovin'- Dominic FikeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora