Part 1

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A/N: Please read the description before reading this:). I hope y'all enjoy and please let me know if this is something y'all want more of, otherwise I'm not sure I can promise I'll keep writing it LMAOAOFJSLFJDOFJ.

"Im home," a voice called out from the front door. You were excited. You had cooked your boyfriend a full meal, and hoped he would enjoy it, and his mood would stay elevated. You had been dating for around three years, and everything was great at first, until his mood started to change and he became more distant. He threw fits over the smallest things that you wouldn't have ever considered somebody could get mad about. Maybe it was your fault though. You told yourself you had to do better, and you were trying with every fiber in your being. You got tired sometimes though, tired of being yelled at and feeling like you could do nothing right. You hoped today would be one of those days where you could relax and go to sleep happy without there being a problem.

"Hey baby! I made food!" You exclaimed getting up from your place on the couch where you had been watching TV. He sighed and put his keys on the key holder, slipping his shoes off.

"Thanks, but I'm going to a party tonight so I don't wanna eat, I'll be way too full," he grabbed a bag of chips off the kitchen counter and plopped down on the sofa, turning off the show you were watching and putting something else on. You wanted to be angry about him not eating the food you spent hours on, but you were too emotionally exhausted to have things be flipped on you.

"Oh-, Kevin's party? The one I told you about last week? You said you didn't wanna go and that we could stay home and watch a movie," you pouted at him.

"Yeah but someone said they'd have free weed and booze, so I'm gonna go, plus some old friends will be there,"

" Alright then, I'll go get ready!" You said, waking towards the bathroom to shower.

"Nah I'll go by myself. You won't like it anyways, and I'll be too distracted catching up with the boys, don't worry about it baby,"

You looked down, slightly disappointed. He wasn't going to eat your food and he wasn't gonna spend time with you at the party?

"Oh alright," you would stay, because you knew you wouldn't know many people there. Maybe you could relax for the night.

Your boyfriend, Peter, left not even an hour later, and you were left alone again. You sat watching tv for a while, before getting bored. You put away the leftovers of the meal you had cooked, and decided to take a shower.

You would go to the party.

Even if you only spent a little while there, at least you could surprise Peter and meet some of the old friends he told you so much about. It could be fun. You would show him you could chill with new people and have fun with strangers and booze and weed.

You got dressed and called a cab, which drove you a couple miles out of the city and to a large gated house, in a rich looking neighborhood. It was Kevin's boyfriends house, and his parents let him use it for parties every once in a while. The place was huge, and it was packed. There were even people laying down on the front yard.

You walked up to the front door, and knocked, but then realized nobody would be able to hear you, so you let yourself in. As you stepped in, somebody stumbled into you, trying to catch something that was headed in your direction. The boy crashed into you, pushing you to the ground as he fell with you.

"Caught it!" He yelled from the ground, holding up a burger wrapped in tin foil, "sorry babydoll, couldn't let the food drop," he laughed, standing up and reaching his hand out to you. His eyes crinkled, and he had the biggest smile on his face as you grabbed his hand and let him lift you up.

Good time lovin'- Dominic FikeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ